Look how BOTH AH DEM looking like two little school boys before the Public Accounts Committee!!!
And after they LOSS all that money, they TOOK OVER the PANORAMA from PAN TRINBAGO and collect all the MONEY and up to now PAN TRNIBAGO eh get ah cent from GYPSY and LUCAS. Well if they could not manage their OWN MILLIONS, how were they going to MANAGE PANORAMA and PAN TRINBAGO PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME.
And to make matters worse, GYPSY get ah VAPS and decide to BUILD A NORTH PARK. Well that end of in so much confusion -- ah sure PAN TRINBAGO loss at least TWO TO THREE MILLION in revenue and they done broke already. GYPSY say that he went to CARNIVALS all over the world so that QUALIFY him to PRODUCE a CARNIVAL ... Lord have mercy!!!
So I calling on GYPSY and LUCAS and DOLLY to come up with the PANORAMA MONEY and pay PAN TRINBAGO whatever they owe them. When KEITH DIAZ was running PANORAMA is all kind ah NINE and TEN MILLION they used to make from the PANORAMA.
So I don't want to see GYPSY and LUCAS and DOLLY handing over no small cheque to BEVERLEY. It got to be at least SEVEN OR EIGHT MILLION TO PAN TRINBAGO. Anything less than that and we taking them to COURT. And they better hurry up and pay the money to BEVERLEY because is almost JUNE ALREADY.
But is ROWLEY (THE PRIME MINISTER) who HAND PICK GYPSY for that job (political appointment) so nobody eh even brave enough to LOOK GYPSY IN THE EYE!!!
Doh make ah row