People are equating THE FALL OF KEITH DIAZ with THE CIP marches and protests and misbehavior and petition. But that is the farthest thing from the truth. The MONEY RAN OUT in PAN TRINBAGO and friends became enemies starting with BRYON SERRETTE. If you all cannot FILL IN THE BLANKS or MUELLER THE MONEY -- it ain't worth the time recapping.

So the SMALLER sharks are now patrolling the PAN TRINBAGO WATERS waiting for PAPA SHARK DIAZ to completely vacate. Then it is their turn to FILL THEIR POCKETS. NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE. So it does not matter if KEITH DIAZ stays or goes.

The whole CIP SAGA was nothing but an irrelevant PAPPYSHOW. Even so, Beverley Ramsey never lifted a finger or her voice to the FAILED EFFORT of the last 15 months and now that the door SEEMS open to the POWER POSITION she wants to SUDDENLY APPEAR and say: Give me the CROWN.

That  is not going  to  happen  because  the REGIONAL GANGSTAS  already have their eyes and money-grubbing hands on the PRIZE and they are blocking out like LEBRON and GREEN . And she is too self-centered to lead PAN TRINBAGO, anyway. Nor does she have the GLOBAL VISION that is required.

BOTTOM LINE: All the OLD RECYCLED PLAYERS are going to continue to run things. So we better off talking about that pretty young brilliant girl who Rowley allowed to get beaten and choked to death -- CRIME IN TRINIDAD.

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  • Aquil: You can call him BERTEL because that is meh good good pardner. But stay with MR. PROVIDENCE and MR. HINKSON and, of course, MR. CLAUDE.

    Boy, ah hear the whole POWER PIE done divide up already among the OLD GUARD. So the best you could do is take back your OLD POST (if yuh dat lucky) and stay in the mix. Yuh could always pull ah Byron Serrette on them by the time next PANORAMA done.

    It is going to be a long decade before benevolence replace exploitation in THE PAN WORLD. So do the best you could in the mean time.

  • yes Mr. Gittens.

    my first choice.

    Michael Marcano..

  • I throwing another name in the ring for President PTB. Micheal Marcano, chairman of ISF. In 2017 everyone was impressed with the management of the Big 5 shows. Remember?

  • The people that was most vocal [CIP] said that they are not in to politics, so don't you think it OK for Beverley to step in? Like yuh have something against people from Tobago or wah? Rowley and GOD from Tobago too yuh know...
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