Ah wish ah did know .001 PERCENT of what BUGS know about PAN MUSIC (Ah wish ah coulda go to NEW YORK and SHAKE HE HAND). Ah woulda been ALL OVER THIS FORUM challenging EVERYBODY on this PANORAMA MUSIC -- FULL FRONTAL ASSAULT!!!
But as ALLYUH KNOW -- I eh know nothing about PAN MUSIC and 99% of the music sound like NOISE to me. What amuses me doh, is that if you have listened to SO MANY of the PANORAMA and PAN on D AVENUE commentaries over the LAST DECADE, you would have heard so many of the COMMENTATORS -- when they get the SWEETNESS of PAN MUSIC -- ask the question: "But I doh see how people could CALL THIS MUSIC NOISE when it so MAGICAL?"
Especially this last SEMIS gone here: Ah hear that question asked by the HOSTS at least THREE TIMES!!!
But, anyway, I think that we have reached the point where people have to get SPECIFIC in their MUSICAL CRITIQUE.
It is kind of like a man PLEADING GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY in a case. After that, THE EVIDENCE has to be PRESENTED.
So I wish that THE FORUM could step up to 2020 and man could present their INTRICATE MUSICAL ANALYSIS in a FUNDAMENTAL MESSAGE that ORDINARY PAN LOVERS could UNDERSTAND ... LIKE MAYOR PETE in the YANKEE POLITICS!!!
But doh get me WRONG with the PAN TING, EH!!! I eh come to TRINIDAD ON NO BOAT!!! And I LOVE THE PAN CULTURE -- NOISE OR NOT and I HAVE INVESTED and CONTINUE TO INVEST IN PAN ... despite my failure to see any RESULTS!!!