But this one that I found this morning might fly over the head of some or under the feet of others. YET, it hit me in the right TREND OF THOUGHT PLACE given all the current discussions on the MAJESTY of this year's WINNING PANORAMA ARRANGEMENT.

Yuh see, not everybody is a musical expert or want to be a musical expert. Because the MUSIC EXPLOITING CAPITALISTS will tell you that the BUYING PUBLIC and LISTENING PUBLIC who MAKE THE MUSIC THE HITS -- for the most part -- doh know the least or nothing about music.

Now I doh know nothing about MUSIC, but I know what a CALYPSO SOUND LIKE. And if anybody ever decide TO COVER A CALYPSO with any instrument (INCLUDING PAN) -- I know what it is supposed to sound like.

And I found some REDEMPTION today!!! (What a THRILL to find out I AM NOT ALONE!!!)

Ameryl Apparicio "With all that ARRANGEMENT [I call it OVER-ARRANGEMENT but I will not quibble over semantics on the issue] I wish they had pulled the original tune and just played [it] simple and then go with the classical arrangement."

Now that is what you call "NATIVE WISDOM"!!!

Right Merrytonestothebone?


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