Ironically, all who was ADVOCATING FOR PAN IN SCHOOLS got the "PERFECT MINISTER" right now ... but I will not try to EXPLAIN because I KNOW BETTER!!!
"All this SUGAR cyar be GOOD FOR ME" ... one of the MOST RACIST LINES ever delivered in ANY CALYPSO .. but most of MODERN TRINIDAD come on A BOAT so they cannot (or would not UNDERSTAND THAT RACIST STAB).
Anyway, THE PRICE OF TRINIDAD PROSPERITY just went up -- and don't ask me to explain.
VS NAIPAUL said: "It is only in CALYPSO that the TRINIDADIAN touches reality."
Unfortunately, the TRINIDAD that NAIPAUL was talking about is LONG DEAD AND GONE!!! I swear that I am THE ONLY REAL TRINIDADIAN LEFT IN THIS WORLD -- from a PATRIOTIC and NATIONALIST and even PAN PERSPECTIVE even though I still say THAT PAN IS NOISE!!!
Claude you're spreading false information. It was Doctor Dolly who chase the gangstas out of town while wearing high heals and dancing backwards.
Was it not the doctor that took away the Panorama gate from D-ass and DPhoto?