The thing is with me is that POLITICS IS POLITICS; it eh have no DIRTY POLITICS in MY BOOKS. So all who was trying to STAY CLEAN -- I say it is time to get DOWN AND DIRTY!!!
Ah see SHEPPARD and JOSEPH and FORTEAU went down in dey TRASH CAN and digging up all the DIRTY LINENS to destroy the INTEGRITY of their OPPONENTS.
LAST MINUTE ATTACKS. If BEVERLEY was POLITICALLY SAVVY and she had hired me as her INTERNET CAMPAIGN MANAGER -- ah would have been FULLY PREPARED to deal with all this CHEAP POLITICS this week.
(Thank God ah always used to BIG UP SHADOW in his LIFETIME so ah do have to shed no CROCODILE TEARS now. Every time ah try to send BEVERLEY to go and plant peas in Tobago -- whey allyuh think ah get that line from?)
But back to the POLITICS!!!
You have to love the fact that men who steal 12 MILLION DOLLARS from PAN MEN are now spreading rumors about a man taking ONE AIR LINE TICKET. And ah next man taking ONE TRIP to TOBAGO. And ah next man who run business cyar run ah business.
And THE CIP say that THEIR AGENDA was REPEAL AND REPLACE (ah mixing up meh OBAMACARE here) the whole EXECUTIVE. Well they FAILED to REPEAL and FORTEAU and DIAZ and SHEPPARD and JOSEPH end up serving the FULL TERM down to the last SUNDAY.
Ah still VEX with BEVERLEY and GREGORY LINDSAY and AQUIL over that -- how they let FORTEAU set the date for THE ELECTION right down to the LAST SUNDAY of the month. THE FULLEST TERM!!! Because they were so desperate to RUN FOR ELECTION and GAIN POWER that they did not even take one step to SHOW POWER by letting THE MEMBERS (and they say the membership is the highest authority -- real MAMAGUY) push back just a bit an DEMAND THE ELECTION one week earlier -- at least!!!
So if SHEPPARD and FORTEAU come an tie allyuh up on SUNDAY -- that is the day when the DIE WAS CAST ... when allyuh allow FORTEAU to rule the day in that SEPTEMBER MEETING!!!
At this point I doh really care who WIN. Because ah search the whole OCEAN of CANDIDATES up and down THE COAST and ah still CYAR SEE THE LEADERSHIP.
Mr. Sheppard could afford to sling some mud. For a whole two years people slinging mud on his name... he deserves to sling some mud now. And why we still even talking about Beverly? She can’t even get Tobagonians to vote for her, Trinidad must vote for her? Ha!
Nova Heart: Where have you been? The ELECTION PARTY HOT HOT HOT!!! And gone AWOL like BEVERLEY for over a week!!!
Novaheart: Ah doing some VETTING OF THE CANDIDATES ... if yuh have any GOOD REPORTS on SHEPPARD yuh better come and POST THEM. Because the KINDA TING ah reading about that man on dem FACEBOOK PAGES my VETTING my end up sending him TO PRISON!!!!