I always see the PANORAMA TING more as an OBSERVER than an ENJOYER. I like the COMING TOGETHER of the PAN LOVERS and the SUPPORT FOR THE MUSIC. But I don't like the DIRECTION OF THE MUSIC. Remember that I am LOOKING AT A STEELBAND PLAY A CALYPSO from TRINIDAD -- which is a different perspective. For example, if I am a PANORAMA JUDGE and a SINGLE PAN BAND choose to play "JOHNNY" dem coming LAST in MY BOOKS. (It all has to do with how notes DECAY on a PAN -- but I will leave that discussion for another day.)
But as JOHN AGITATION used to say: GETTING BACK TO THE SUBJECT OF THE MORNING, ah have some PAN TRINBAGO POLITICAL ISSUES to resolve this week so that I can clear my slate and get ready to enjoy the DECEMBER SMALL BAND PANORAMA in this NICE RAINY SEASON!!!