"... make sure all yuh hire security n thing das way d thing go reach watch and see."
Now I don't know which side of the fence to SIT ON in this NEW DRAMA. Because BEVERLEY and LAUREN and CARLAN are ALL COMPLICIT in THIS VENDETTA.
And if AKIBA decide to cross that line (and he is that kinda fellah, eh) ... it will take the PAN WORLD right back to the FIFTIES (Steelband Clash).
Ah tell allyuh since 2018 that BEVERLEY doh know NOTHING ABOUT TONG and dem OLD HARD BACK PAN MEN was the WRONG CROWD TO MIX WITH ... but she wanted POWER so bad ... she did not care.
They better call GARY and ask him to SURROUND THEM with some PNM POLICE ... because AKIBA is a man WHO DOH CARE about THE LAW.
I say PAY THE MAN he GRANT MONEY even if it have to come from BEVERLEY and LAUREN pocket. As a REAL TRINIDADIAN -- I understand THE CULTURE ... me eh come on NO BOAT!!!
Now most people who understand the world of PAN, TODAY -- will be able to put this posting in context. I am not talking about the TRIVIAL PEOPLE who spend all their time trying to return to the FIFTIES and SIXTIES and bring PAN BACK ON THE ROAD with people pushing; and the debates of yester year about the best band who do this and the best band who do that.
This is a TODAY POSTING!!! I am regrettably XXXXXING OUT the CUSS WORDS (not my first choice, but I know how narrow minded and dishonest the PAN COMMUYNITY IS -- so I am conceding here). I also know that very few people are privy to THE FACTS so it is impossible for them to get the context of this explosive outburst. But here goes!!!
Akiba Panman Joseph