... however. I have never been an ALL STARS fan and it kind of broke my heart to use them as an example (which is one more reason why I don't like the "give me on example").

Anyway, from a CALYPSO PERSPECTIVE -- and let me make it quite clear that I am talking from a CALYPSO PERSPECTIVE -- the ALL STARS arrangers have always been very clever -- and I respect them for it.

What I mean by clever is that I think they understand the LIMITATIONS of the STEELBAND as it tries to render the AUTHENTIC sound of THE CALYPSO -- so they never really try to replicate the CALYPSO head on. They seem to find an interpretation that FITS THE PAN. And it works for me -- to a great extent.

In an ideal world, I would not use THIS RENDITION of this CALYPSO as a STEELBAND PLAYING CALYPSO IN CALYPSO. But when I heard it last year -- it came pretty close. So I singled it out and posted it last year on the very basis of THIS DISCUSSION (And don't forget that this is a DISCUSSION FORUM.)

Anyway, I will continue my search to see if I can get something closer to what I would use as representative of my argument. But to show GOODWILL -- I am starting right here even though I don't consider it MY PERFECT EXAMPLE. And at this point I am wondering EVEN I COULD EVEN FIND ONE but I will KEEP LOOKING.

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