By putting THE THREE AMIGOS in 11th position, PAN TRINBAGO is telling THE WORLD that despite all the FORMAL MUSIC EDUCATION these THREE FELLAHS HAVE -- they CANNOT ARRANGE a TRINIDAD CALYPSO up to the TRINIDAD STANDARD. Well, at least NOT IN THE TOP 6!!!
And this is NOT an isolated incident. Because LIAM TEAGUE is a BIG PROFESSOR of MUSIC up in AMERICA and he cannot arrange a piece of CALYPSO in TRINIDAD. And that goes for LEON THOMAS and ROBERT GREENIDGE, also.
I did not follow ANDRE WHITE, but this morning I went on A FORUM and saw people complaining about a LOCAL PREJUDICE against ANDRE WHITE.
So to me, the PATTERN IS CLEAR. And I don't have to read and spell for NOBODY.
(Now I am personally in a bit of a quandary here, because I don't think -- as has been proven -- that you need FORMAL MUSICAL EDUCATION to WRITE AND SIGN CALYPSO or to PLAY PAN. And it is hard for ANYBODY to argue against that given the BODY OF WORK produced in T&T in the history of CALYPSO and PAN.)
But if PROFESSOR LIAM TEAGUE cannot arrange a CALYPSO and place in the TOP THREE in PANORAMA -- then that MUSICAL EDUCATION ain't got NO VALUE in PANORAMA MUSIC.
Unless, of course, THE LOCAL JUDGES have a BUILT IN PREJUDICE against "FOREIGN" arrangers. And with BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE as PRESIDENT today -- it seems MORE PRONOUNCED than ever.
Well, I will see AFTER SUNDAY where things stand!!!