Ramsey-Moore leads Team Re-Build in Pan Trinbago Election 2018
President: Beverley Ramsey Moore (Katzenjammers)
Vice-President: Carlon Harewood (Potential Symphony)
Secretary: Denise L. J. Hernandez (Trinidad All Stars)
Assistant Secretary: Lauren Pierre (Platinum Steel Orchestra)
Treasurer: Gerard Mendez (City Sun Valley)
Public Relations Officer: Salisha James (Uptown Fascinators)
External Relations Officer: Dane Gulston (City Sun Valley)
Education Officer: Marcus Ash (Nutrien Silver Stars)
Trustee: Darwren Goodridge (T&T Prison Service Steel Orchestra)
Trustee: Keith Simpson (St James Tripolians)

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  • Ah go have to call up TRUMP and see if we could borrow THIS JET to fly BEVERLEY back and forth from Tobago!!!


  • It's LOVE on the BEVERLEY BOAT..
  • No need for suicide Bro, Marcus and I will talk to her about that job for you..
  • Like Denise right, boy!!! Once they get all the TOBAGO VOTES (Only DEMOCRATS does be surprised when people vote for their own) and Simpson and Mendez and Marcus and Gulston throw in some from the North and East -- it look like this race is OVER.

    Ah going and write meh SUICIDE NOTE!!!

  • Aye Claude,yuh see how Beverley operates, she step up when it's necessary.
    • Cecil: Yuh think is TOO LATE for me to JUMP ON BEVERLEY BOAT?

  • I doh want to see another slate, ah going wid this one. Best of luck Team Rebuild..
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