The power rush to dem two fellahs head and they moved in for the KILL. But DIAZ and FORTEAU just side step them and knock dem down to the ground.
Now is time to concentrate on producing PANORAMA 2017. DIAZ and FORTEAU will be working HAND IN HAND with the NCC to produce one of the GREATEST PANORAMAS in the history of TRINIDAD CARNIVAL.
And when allyuh see the amount of PROFITS that will flow this year allyuh go hold allyuh head and bawl because it eh go have no TICKET TEEFING and TICKET RACHIFEE.
So much profit without the usual CORRUPTION, I would suggest to DOCTOR DOLLY that she pays each PAN MAN a $1500 performance fee this year.
I applaud them for trying to stand up for justice and fairness for Pan Players, but you can’t solve all the problems they faced with a pickup side. This is an opportunity to build the foundation that would give all players a voice, empower them to show their strength in numbers.
Start a registry (UNION) for pan men and women from all bands; with this list of members let them cast their votes as an independent entity. The way PT constitution is designed it’s easy to manipulate the bands and their leaders, divide and rule. There's strength in numbers. Moving forward, the work is not done.
Dane, was sorta pushed into a leadership role that he never really wanted, he was just mad that players didn't get their money so he made a post on fb, next thing you know he is one of the leaders of UPPM. The undertaking proved too much for he and Gregory. I would have to say they never knew what they were getting themselves into so a the first sight of the opponent they crumble.
Cecil: I never looked at it that way and so I only imagine how overwhelming it must have been to be face to face with Pan Trinbago. However, when the UPPM is formed and next meets with Pan Trinbago (in whatever form), they will be more successful. They shouldn't be intimidated by them because they (UPPM) hold all the cards. Pan Trinbago cannot exist without the pan players!
Ingrid Blackwood-Belle, If you saw the Godfather you would remember the scene where the guy woke up and found his horses head in his bed, he got the message. If you permit me to speculate here, Dane and Gregory went in to that meeting with PT and was read the riot act [whatever that is] when they came out they were "born again"
Gregory and Dane were in over their heads, without a plan. Why should you want to take over an organization that deep in debt? and you have the personnel to form a new one. If they did not meet with PT their popularity would have kept growing guaranteeing success.
It's left to be seen what will happen with UPPM, after carnival players get into their everyday mode and have little interest in steelband issues, they had a moment, but did not capitalize.
You don't win silver, you loose gold.
“Gregory and Dane were in over their heads, without a plan. Why should you want to take over an organization that deep in debt?”
You are obviously privy to some information as to what really transpired at the meeting. Can you share it with us? Could you tell us what the objectives were of those 2 soldiers in terms of their meeting with PT — what they hoped to achieve by meeting face to face with the officers of PT? Unless that information is clearly out in the open we would be remiss to state that they ‘failed’, or, as some have ludicrously opined, “failed miserably”. What exactly would have been your plan?
“If they did not meet with PT their popularity would have kept growing guaranteeing success.”
Oopppss …I just read your statement above and realize that you would have recommended not meeting with PT, rendering having a plan entirely redundant. I also see you subscribe to the axiom that popularity guarantees success. Okayyyyyyyyyyy…..
You appear to have adopted a negative angle in quite a number of your recent posts. Personally, I don’t find it alarming; but, it so isn’t you. You have always been noticeably encouraging, extremely humorous, idiosyncratically positive, and definitely supportive where all things pan are concerned. I think we need to resurrect that mindset and passion now, more than ever.
Listen up here, Cecil. Just look how positive you are with your band even when you know fully well the highest they can attain this year is a highly competitive 3rd place. (wink. wink.) That’s the positivity to which I am referring.
You have stated that many will lose interest once Carnival is over. You know — you may be right! But some of us, you included, will just have to pick up that ‘baton of interest’ and run with it. Ok Ok. At our age we go walk.
Uncle always said: “Motion is lotion”. So, wid dat in mind and we arthritis in we bones we moving forward, even if we have to tek a maxi. OK?
Bénédictions, mon ami.
ps. Let’s try to commend Gregory and Dane. It’s the right thing to do. Pay little or no heed to those who calumniate the characters of those gentlemen. Uncle always said when you slander the good name or character of a person it’s like opening a bag of feathers in the wind — you could never put all back. I think he was right.
Peter, when you find out what was said to those two gentlemen in the meeting you'll understand why I said meeting with PT was a mistake. Been observing Diaz and Forteau in action for a few years so I guess I have a pretty good idea of what to expect from them.
Cecil: I think you're right. I didn't even know they (Dane and Gregrory) were meeting with Pan Trinbago until I saw the outcome of the meeting. What surprised me was that they meet up with Pan Trinbago in the first place? Aren't Pan Trinbago the ones who caused all of this? It's no use Pan Trinbago blaming Government/NCC/the Minister of Culture because the blame lies squarely at their feet. After Panorama 2017, the UPPM (not just Dane and Gregory, the pan fraternity in Trinidad and Tobago) need to organise properly and let Pan Trinbago know that they are forming their own union and putting on their own Panorama. Seriously, they need to break away from Pan Trinbago. That's the only way that pan in Trinidad and Tobago will survive. Otherwise, we will see this happening again towards the end of 2017.
You got it Sis. but I doubt the interest will be there.
EXCELLENT SUMMARY, CECIL. That is precicely how it unfolded!!!
Reformed gangstas? No Teefing? No way. No way...
What did the scorpion say to turtle as they both sunk into river - after the scorpion stung the turtle who was giving him a lift across the river? "I had to sting you even if it meant both our deaths - It's my nature. It is who I am".