At no time have I ever seen so many discussions in the forum about the same topic and they all expressed total disgust.

Whist we all look at the executive of the World Governing Body as the perpetrators it dawned on me that they are just pawns used in a scheme to suck  the dollars out of carnival.

What is playing out here is something much BIGGER that what we see.

We see young men killing one another but we don't see who is supplying the guns or who is bringing in the drugs, no one is ever arrested large amounts of drugs in T&T it's only when they get caught outside we see them,  these are people that own hill-side properties and live in gated areas, these are the people that have targeted carnival, panorama included.

So Diaz and his people are just being played.

In the mean time some of us trying to figure out which part of an almost nude woman going the street wineing is mas.

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  • Cecil, the GREEN$ money doh evn have a trail to follow to see where it end up... Woyaya, some conscious vibes from Osibisa sang it best... We are going, heaven knows where we are going, we will get there, somehow we will... Peace breds...
  • The will of the people can only be served if we can elect Leaders who represent change and not exchange! T&T do not seem ready for such an undertaking, do they?
    • Andre,

      Ready or not we have to be aware that there are players in the game now that don't care about culture, their only concern is making money  and they are in bed now with the movers and shakers of carnival.

  • i am not going to enter this one. I believe we have a more important question on the table and I will try to help.

    I really appreciate WST giving me, out here, out of Trinidad the opportunity to contribute to a soluton on the advent of the Splash Pool Party on the Green. Boogsie, I  can understand how you feel at the first impression of the situation backed by the action of the Association to fund the project and a ticket cost of $700.00. It does seem to be planning its and the pan's world downfall.

    But, let us take a step backwards and pause to say a small prayer to the Lord for clear insight. The Trinidadian youth , are no different , really, to those of the rest of the world and specifically to the Western civilization to which we belong and I say at the onset that there is a hard core of supporters that are sufficient to maintain and launch all the necessary support for the pan.. What we have to be concerned with is increasing and enlarging this group, which can only become informed by education, by knowledge of what it means to Trinbago and the rest of the Pan World to support and encourage the development of the pan. We know that the powers that be have not done the best job so far, hence the frequent legal battles to protect the country's rights. Nevertheless we have to start by advertising the blood, sweat and tears ( please excuse me Boogsie ) and the environment which  existed at the origin of the pan.

    You have to explain to them where all music originated and the education of our pan pioneers of this music almost entirely without any tools except the God given supernatural talent to do so. I recognise that all this is not possible within a few days, but I know that there is sufficient talent in Trinidad and Tobago to harness the exuberance of the youth so that this problem may be converted to a win,win situation.I suggest, also, that the promoters of the Annual St. Mary's College Fete and the QRC Jazz Group be consulted on their successful attraction of the youth to their events.

    I have not been to Trinidad and Tobago since Carnival 2013 but I can epect that Carnival 2014 should be very exciting. However, the old demons are still present, long hours of sitting in the heat, because the Panorama and other programs are undoubtedly long, so a welcome break complete with booze, food and good calypso is not a bad thing. You can harness this situation by  *  advertising the tunes to be played by the competing bands. Find the outstanding parts of the compositions and sell it  with the exceptional parts of the bands' performances. These must have been heard by now. As far as possible and I know that this is big, especially at short notice, try to advertise thumbnail bios of the players of each band  and the instruments played, how long played, from where and trained by whom and so on. This kind of exposure will spark a lot of personal interest, if I know my people and create an atmosphere which has never been experienced in the history of pan

    Pan is now entering a phase when the styles of the teachers and arrangers are leaving their marks on their pupils. This phase is like the Jazz phenomenon where the current artists can be said to be the product of a certain style which emanated from one of the greats. So far the well known bands can be recognized by some distinguishing factor such as the grumbling basses of All Stars, the soaring tenors and sharp irons of Desperadoes, the phrasing and staccato of Renegade, the smooth bounce of Exodus, the great sounding mid ranges of Invaders and so on.

                      * Request the media announcers to highlight calysoes and socas and what they were meant to convey. By whom they were made and sung and so on.

                      * Make sure that the programs for the Splash Pool Party will carry lots of these so that the Association will collect the funds and maintain control of the art form.

                      *Get the bands' sponsors involved by the donations of handouts, not condoms, birth control tablets and pills but useful informative media for keepsaked and /or knowledge of the pan,its progress and expectations , specifically for the youths  and these are numerous. Make sure that they are handed out with all purchases at the Party.

                      *The Association should ensure that all the tickets to the Party should be additions to the entrance to the Grand and North Stands. Tickets to the Party only should be in the minority and should give the patrons a possible access to the Stands at an additional charge.

    Without a doubt this is a somewhat barebones, simplistic approach which will not take care of all the problems which may arise but the Association must be prepared to handle those. Ask for help, get rid of the pride. This is a big job but one which can serve the art form in good stead

    Finally, this will not be the last challenge. Progress carries many challenges. It will be very important that all interested parties will be available to deal with these as they arise.

    I hope that I have helped and not added more confusion to an alredy confused situation. Let us all say a little prayer that Our Lord in His Goodness will help us to  sort it out.



    • Good Post Selwyn, we need a lot of prayers.

  • Trinidad is an ENTIRE COUNTRY (a complex one, too) ... allyuh PAN PEOPLE having a hard time recognizing that.

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