Ah feel dah one boy!!...Definitely not 7th...Not Exodus...Yuh see why Panorama is not to be taken seriously?
Claude Gonzales > merrytonestotheboneFebruary 22, 2020 at 11:54pm
Doh worry MERRYTONESTOTHEBONE -- yuh eh feel it MORE THAN ME!!!
BEVERLEY just come from BACKWARD TOBAGO and does not have a CLUE about how VINDICTIVE real TRINIDADIANS could be... ah hope AINSWORTH does not SIT ON HIS PNM NANDS and let this one SLIDE.
Ah feel dah one boy!!...Definitely not 7th...Not Exodus...Yuh see why Panorama is not to be taken seriously?
Doh worry MERRYTONESTOTHEBONE -- yuh eh feel it MORE THAN ME!!!
BEVERLEY just come from BACKWARD TOBAGO and does not have a CLUE about how VINDICTIVE real TRINIDADIANS could be... ah hope AINSWORTH does not SIT ON HIS PNM NANDS and let this one SLIDE.
Ah get vex til meh eye get read
Only WICKEDNESS in my head
Come quick to AVOID AH FUNERAL ...
BEVERLEY HOLDING GRUDGES against EXODUS from last year!!!
Well ah have me WORK CUT OUT FOR ME.
The COMMENTATORS were in SHOCK at EXODUS coming so LOW!!!