Do you think it's alright to subject young players to a panorama season knowing that they may never reach the finals.

This is what the management of Birdsong exposed their players to, and they did it with dignity, nuff respect to those young people.

This was a unique situation because every other steelband had a chance to win and Birdsong management took that away from their players. They knew what Andy was about and they let him use them to satisfy his ambition.

To those who might want to argue how were they to know that they would run out, I say the message was loud and clear in 2013 that Andys music don't cut it for panorama.

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  • Do you think it's alright to subject young players to a panorama season knowing that they may never reach the finals.

    of course - that is life and that is competition.  The arena and context of any competition is NOT for the purpose of 'everyone is a winner", or 'everyone gets a prize" - that teaches nothing. Part of the nature of 'competition' is to teach people that in life, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.  Learning how to lose, accept it and move on,  as well as learning what it is like to win, is valuable life lessons.

    • And... there it is.

      I love to see a bad "do it for the kids" argument get blasted to bits, take it easy Catt, LOL...

      • lmao Noah.  me? take it easy?  BAH humbug!  LOL.  

        And further - i reject the premise that "every other steelband had a chance to win and Birdsong management took that away from their players. They knew what Andy was about and they let him use them to satisfy his ambition"

        -  Poppycock.  Andy has arranged more than once before in Panorama, (can't remember what years but sometime in the 70's and 80's maybe?) - and made it to finals with those bands. 

        While I do agree with those who say Trinidad Panorama arranging is not his 'strong suit', and that in general, his style of music doesn't fit Panorama, I still feel he had as good a chance as anyone else last year AND this year, to take his shot -- and I reject this entire line of thinking that he was purposely "punished".  His arrangement did not cut it and that's all there is to it. 

        • CATT: Now yuh putting licks on meh pardner Cecil -- yuh merciless. You have to understand the local politics to buy into the "PUNISHMENT" angle here.

          • lmao. right. but i  am only merciless because others keep bringing it up again TOO, and being merciless TOO.  lol.   I truly do NOT think Birdsong management "intentionally" threw their players under the bus.  I think that THEY truly believed they had as good a chance as anyone else, and that they sent their players to play in good faith - otherwise why on earth would they have contracted Andy to arrange for them in the first place?  if they thought it was a losing proposition from jump then they would not have hired him as arranger. Nobody is so stupid as to spend all year planning, put out all that money,  and all that time and work and effort in practice, if they never thought they would get anywhere. What would be the point of the band's mgmt to do that? 

            and yes, i realize that i don't know the ins and outs of local 'politics'. but still...  if they were really out to punish Andy then how he made finals before without any issues like this coming up? 

            • Catt,

              Thet knew when they hire Andy what he was going to do.

            • Different Presidents (PT Presidents); Different prevailing winds; Greater Black Militancy; Greater Global Profile built by Andy in the interim ... yuh want meh to go on and make more enemies on this forum turning up my cards?

              More frustration among the Pan Fraternity in Trinidad because nobody can move the music out of Trinidad (except Andy) ... ah done with this talk.

  • Birdsong OFFER-UP their players so Andy could TEACH we how panorama music should be played.

  • In the middle of all the paranoia and insularity, I was pleasantly pleased to see so many TRINIDADIANS supporting and appreciating and defending ANDY'S "panorama" music.

    Merrytones and Noah and Jeston -- nobody could knock allyuh off your convictions at all. Allyuh have me shaking, Me eh messing with allyuh at all. And even though ah hear MERRYTONES eh have NO TRACK RECORD in arranging ah still eh tackling that man with no PITY THE CHILDREN story.

    Plenty raw emotions on this topic. But at the end of the day if allyuh keep ganging up on meh pardner Cecil ah go be forced to come back and defend the man.  But then again he went and initiate the thread so he come like Rose looking for blows.

    Dat man used to love Andy at one time, but like the CROWD take him.

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