Because I read a report from ARTHUR TRAVERSO recently about the plight and poverty of PAN MEN in TRINIDAD that he saw first-hand when he recently visited THE MECCA and it brought tears to my eyes. And I thought that his was the most SINCERE and INFORMATIVE post that I have ever read on THIS FORUM. So I greatly respected it and put it in my ARCHIVES for future reference.
And then the PM vex because people of MY POLITICAL ILK (IN TRINIDAD) make noise at his HUMANITARIAN OFFER.
PAN MEN really at the BOTTOM of the HEAP in ANTIGUA and NEW YORK and TRINIDAD and GRENADA -- YES!!!.
Now I always HOPED that THIS FORUM was FOR PAN AND PAN MEN the way it presented itself. But now ah finding out that it is just a PARTY PROPAGANDA/EXPLOITATION OF PAN MEN FORUM.
Mi Amigo, do a DRUNKEN MAN ever admits that he's drunk ? Ans: NO, so when these "corrupt crooked politicians THIEVES" say anything I DO NOT BELIEVE THEM, where the word "BELIEVE" definition is, "TO EXCEPT SOMETHING AS TRUE WHEN IT IS NOT" T&T has so much money it's a SIN, for one country to have all that WEALTH, Example; we have the LARGEST "Pitch Lake/Asphalt" in the world in "Brighton" La Brea, (114 acres/46 hectares) in size, and we never know or hear of the "Revenue" that it generates which belongs to the Citizens of T&T, which happens to be at least $400 BILLIONS of TT dollars each year, yet they tells us Trinibagonians that the country do not have any money, thats because THEY steal all our money, pretend they're ill, go out side to get treatment and HIDE THE MONEY IN AN OFF SHORE BANK ACCOUNT, let me take you back a bit,, as far back as the PATRICK MANNING REGIME, remember the Calder Hart issue, then the Clico, then the Techno Pan in 2004, the E-Tech, and then S.N.S.E big tenor pan Copeland call his Genesis G-pan which was used as a Camouflage to "Fleece/Embezzle " over $150 million US dollars of our/the Countries Treasury's Citizens Money, and that's just a small part of it, Venezuela and Trinidad was one, in the event that U did not that, which was before the so called white man TOOK Trinidad away from Venezuela, which was named "IRIE/ERIE" meaning Bird Island, now Venezuela is in control of the World Largest Oil Reserve, which lies beneath/under the/our "ORINOCO RIVER" the US is trying to get control of it since before CHAVEZ, that is Y the US impose a SANCTION on Venezuela , and that is the main purpose T&T economy is in Chaos, so Mi Amigo DO NOT BELIEVE anything these CROOKS tells U, T&T has SO MUCH IT'S SICKENING, the say this and that to distract and confuse us while they run off with all the F/////g money, the citizens of T&T much less PAN PEOPLE WON'T SEE A DIME, these people SWORE AN OATH, TO RULE GUIDE REGULATE SERVE AND PROTECT the Citizens of the Country, meaning, to TAKE CARE OFF, as Dr Erick Eustace Williams said, I quote; Democracy means, it is the responsibility of the GOVERNMENT, TO IT'S CITIZENS, unquote, I heard him say those words August 31st 1962 at the Governors House in the St Ann's Queen's Park area when we / Pan Am North Stars played at the "Independence Ball"..for him, Gene Miles was there as well as the whole Parliament, when he shook all the band members hands when he said to me, "so you are the Little fellow hum? and I'm X static as I;ve had the luxury of being the first tenor pan player in the band that Williams showed the National Anthem off the Music Sheet Score in the pan yard, THANKS SKIP...