Pan Trinbago signed an exclusive contract to broadcast the panorama in 2015. So far I have found the coverage to be between piss poor and non existent. They totally blanked the Tobago prelims.
What do you think of the announcers? Am I unreasonable?
Alright, alright...Everybody take WIN......
This is the talk for years........Pan Trinbago is a set of Beggars, they only looking for hand outs... why they can't have some business sense? Now that they are making a move everybody Vex. Now want they to give away we talent and music for free....Nobody must come to the venues to pay to get in or to buy nothing..... just come and jump up with your favorite band and Cuss the judging. Cuss the Show for not doing this and not doing that. Say how Black people Can't do nothing good. Leave the bands and all the Zones broken of resources and Motivation....They would not be able to promote off season shows with the bands. Yes! that GOOD!! Just play all the music on Radio and TV for free.
The business men Fed-up with sponsoring these shows.... they get nothing in return. They blank people hands down. The zones entrance fee this year for traditional bands $60 in south-- one hundred and sixty seven paying patrons. What a shame....the gate receipts is going to the Zones to off set their annual expenses and promote programs for the that Good? Lets support the Pan please and not think of ourselves alone.
In the past when Carnival TV covered pan it was high definition video and as good a sound as you can get on the web. CNMG's video quality is pixilated and very poor and the audio is terrible. Bad choice
I was willing this to be a success. Arrive Alive totally cut out the South Central Pan. I understand they have a point to make but this is a weekly broadcast. Why in hell couldn’t they postpone it for one day? Pan Panorama is a once a year event of 19 separate days starting on Jan 16th and ending on Feb 14th for the 2015 program. If they don’t want to cover it let someone who is willing do it for free.
I feel if the going to broadcast the show do it right don't do it half a$$. Its unfair to have bands playing people listening to hear a band play and a show cut in the middle of a band song.
Don't even want to start on Tobago they could have at least record them and put it online I think its unfair to them, they treating them just as the single pan bands.
Greed is a funny thing… So as to block anyone else from broadcasting shows, you find this company who claim to represent the national interest of the country, buying up the rights to broadcast and sitting on it. They rather show American crap on TV than to broadcast the national instrument to the world. TV4 is part of CNMG and broadcasted the Pan on D Avenue to its fullest in 2014 a total of 8 hours without an advertisement. If they can do that why it is the sister radio cannot broadcast 6 hours of pan uninterrupted. It takes about 8 minutes to setup a band on stage and that is ample time to take commercial breaks to advertise the sponsors. This year in panorama we have over 170 bands… are they saying they cannot get at least one person to sponsor the event. Maybe they need to fire the commercial accusation staff of CNMG
i don't think it matters to the people that put om these these shows how they look to people outside T&T.
Didn't the minister challenge Pan Trinbago to demonstrate that were able to operate on an international level?
Bugs, Yuh mean the Minister that forget to put in $150 mill in the budget? it look like nobody take this guy seriously.
Trinidadians and Tobagoians are very intelligent and talented people, but greed is worst than politics, they so busy trying to shave off a little from everything, that we will be left with nothing of quality, we deserve the best, Pan on d Ave, was done well, make that an example of pan and carnival for Trinidadians and Tobagoians all over the world.