Anyone know if there is a deadline for submission of pan songs for Panorama? I think it is only fair that all bands have the same pool of songs from which to choose. Arrangers and bands need a certain amount of time to figure out which tune they feel is suitable for them. When a tune is added to the pool at the 9th hour it almost guarantee the arranger that his band alone would be playing it and this gives him a slight edge especially if 2 or 3 bands are playing the same tune. What do you think?
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Hi there Cecil,
I have some Old Oak (rum) from the sixties which I would like to pass on to you in the spirit of the season. Your argument doesn't cut it. Believe me, it is a rumshop argument. May I humbly suggest that when you are starting an argument have a strong premise on whch to base your argument, Other than that, you can pick up the bottle whenever you are ready, but please, oh please,one request, drink near your bed.
In case you don't know, Gumbo Lie Lie is the name of one of Trinidad and Tobago's colourful characters. The name has nothing to do with lie(s) or truth. I just chose to spell it that way.Okay is still a love,eh. You have to provide your own chaser. Bless.
Keith I DONE. Now tell me how can I get the OLD OAK.
Mr Hinkson like you drinking strong rum, or you just like ole talk. You talked about a DEADLINE, now you changing your tune. All arrangers have access to the music. How have they been getting it all these years? However you have been EXCUSED because we are still in the festive period. May I suggest you drink close to your bed, where you could lie down if the spirits overwhelms you.
Gumbo Lie Lie
Both rum and ole talk. Just in case you did'nt notice most of the arranges have already picked a tune.
Gumbo tell the truth.
Keith,you are missing the point. Arrangers will still retain the option of "changing up" any tune submitted. Is this not what some of our better arrangers have done for years? The tune played at the Finals sometimes is so different from the offering at the Preliminaries. I want to believe that you are an aficianado of our wonderful music. i will invite you at this time to go back and listen to some past Panorama competitions. I guarantee that you will not have to go back too far.Have fun exploring.
yuh aksing meh what I tink?
PANORAMA. I say the true meaning of the word sums it all up.
A picture representing scenes too extended to be beheld at once, and so exhibited a part at a time, by being unrolled, and made to pass continuously before the spectator.
A complete view in every direction
A picture presenting a view of objects in every direction, as from a central point. Translated in a musical context and in particular a steelband competition originating in the 1960s.
Well yuh know whey I goin wid dis?
There is no argument the most you can do with "PANORAMA" has already been done. The existing contraints are all that we need (and some of those should be recinded/ abolished). Forget progress. All progress implies is "dumbning down". I'm very suspisious of anyone arbitarily quoting the word progress when they want to introduce change or constraints in relation to arts and crafts. If I want my performance to be different from the rest, to standout, to create a work to be remembered, appreciated and acclaimed I may need some element of surprise. I may play and practice with my finger tips in a garrett room until the day when I unleash it on the general public.
Randi yuh really mean that NOTHING can be done for Panorama? maybe to many of us accept the same old same old that is why all we get is the same old same old. Rules and regulations were created to protect man from himself, without them there would total chaos. The thing is that we have to revisit them every so often to see if they are relevant to the time in which we live.
i have read all of the submissions on this issue so far and I have not found a convincing argument as to why a deadline isn't a good thing. This competition isn't Boogsie's, Philmore's, Pouchet's or any other individual composer/musician. This competition, and it is a competition, is organised by a govening body which sets the rules and regulations as to when it is held, where it is held, how many players in a conventional band and so on.Ian, I think this answers your question as to who will set the deadline. Also, there is not a composer out there who will spend a great deal of time and energy perfecting a tune and not release it before the expiration of an imposed deadline.Our composers, musicians are smart, educated people who deal with deadlines everyday. This will be nothing new to them.Give them some credit.Take a look at anything that is a living reality that has existed for more than thirty years that has not gone through some evolution. All change is not good and I believe that this change, introducing a deadline, is a good thing. i don't hear anyone complaining about the change in prize money for the different competitions last year.Thai is because that time has come.I can envision the prize money increasing even more in the future. The time for the introduction of a deadline has also come. We need to embrace this. This is not such a big deal. Also, Garvin Adams, didn't your Mama tell you if you did't have anythig nice to say and constructive, if I may add, then don't say anything? Listen to your Mama man.
Thank You.
This argument is of no import. There should be no deadline. If an arranger feels he wants to change his tune on tne eve of a Panorama final, that should be his call. I see nothing wrong with an arranger playing a tune at say the semi-final stage an changing for final night. It is like politics and a snap election. Arrangers should introduce the element of surprise if they wish; but if they want to pound a tune to thy kingdom come, I cool with that.
Gumbo Lie Lie
You missed the point my Brother no one is saying anything about arrangers changing there tune, it's about all arrangers having access to the same tunes.