What does Mia Mottley and Beverly Ramsey Moore have in common? Call the election; Pan Trinbago’s Power structure.
Could a lesser court overturn the decision of a higher court? So how come Beverly pretending to not know that an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) does not have the power to overturn the dictates of the Convention.
Let us compare the both power structures from highest to lowest.
Trinidad Courts Pan Trinbago Meetings
Privy Council Convention or Special Convention
Court of Appeal Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Hight Court Power Structure Executive Meeting
Magistrate court Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
Lowest (An EGM is a consultation tool, no decision is legally binding because the constitution gives the meeting no powers.)
Cross reference with PT’s constitution. Click the link and check for yourself. https://www.pantrinbago.co.tt/Overview/TheConstitution.aspx
In the court’s power structure, it can only make sense that if a decision is made from a lesser court that is unsatisfactory to the persons involved, one can go to a higher court to overturn that decision. However, it is incomprehensible that a decision from a higher court can be overturned by a lesser court. This power structure also exists in Pan Trinbago’s (PT) constitution. There is no ambiguity. It is clearly stated, using the English language, which gathering of members is the highest judicial and legislative meeting of members in our constitution. In addition, Pan Trinbago and its constitution came out of an act of parliament which is binding by law and states that the executive shall exercise their powers within the parameters of the constitution. Therefore, we can reasonably conclude that any act that in unconstitutional is an illegal one.
Though one may want to debate which is higher between the Executive or the EGM, all must agree that the constitution is clear that the Convention, The Special Convention and the AGM is a higher authority than the EGM and consequently cannot overturn the decisions of the Convention. If we can agree on that, it means that until a Convention is called, Beverley Ramsey Moore and her executive remains illegally in office. In a meeting held on September 4th , a decision was made to suspend elections at an EGM. The motion was brought to the floor by her close friend and Office Manager Mr Douglas Williams and reasons given were that she was not given a fair chance to lead.
The Constitution was adopted in 1997 in a Convention. All that is stated in the constitution and the bye-laws of Pan Trinbago are our laws, where, in the constitution, the very first offence, the first crime (the first commandment) one can be disciplined for is the violation of our constitution. To allow a motion to be heard, debated and carried in an EGM which is against the dictates of a function of the Convention, shows that Beverley Ramsey Moore and her Executive do not know the laws that govern PT or worse, they know and do not respect them or believe they do not apply to them.
Ironically, one of the greatest leaders in our time is from the Caribbean and she is a woman, Mia Mottley the Prime Minister of Barbados, and when there were voices questioning her leadership, way before an election was due, she called an election and put her house in order. In comparison to Beverly Ramzey Moore, who is insisting to stay in office because she is afraid to face the polls speaks volumes. Her insatiable appetite for power has impeded her judgment and the constitution means nothing now. Her behaviour is a Microsemi reflection of the leaders we are producing in our country so I am saying, Trinidad we must do better!
Suspending an election happened before and it happened at a Convention.
Aquil Arrindell
Captain of San City Steel Symphony
Today's meeting is important. I believe separating the AGM from the Convention is a good thing. However for reasons that I have already intimated...It is important to remember that today's AGM is the highest authority of the Association.Not an ExtraOrdinary General, which does not have that authority.Again, I am not going to be present at today's meeting. Today is the highest authority of my Association, where the supreme legislative and judicial authority from the ground floor shall be in full effect. Absolutely no motion brought at any ExtraOrdinary General Meeting by any politically exposed persons appointed by the current incumbent President of PanTrinbago, trumps or will uphold the long held tenets of the democratic process at PanTrinbago.
Madame President, Officers & Delegates, this Executive in an effort to ensure that the democratic process that we have grown to uphold over the years, cannot be eroded by detractors who are after their own interest and not those of this great movement; and have decided that in the interest of peace and stability to come to you today seeking your collective permission for a continuation of all of the great work that has been done in a contracted term, without the legal distraction of previous regimes. I urge you in the remaining time of your office expiring at 1500hrs this afternoon; do like The Rt Honorable Mia Amor Mottley; save your legacy and perform your constitutional function as Chief Custodian of our Constitution. The instruments in Convention AGM 2015 Pg 7 & 8 will have to be reformatted & crafted and utilized by Secretary of PTB in order to facilitate specifically the Election of Officers Constitutionally due in 28 days from today....on October 31, 2022. #panBeforeBand #realtalk #doitright