This ting is beginning to look like ah joke. Demanding that the executive of Pan Trinbago step-down is one thing, but making them do it is a totally different thing. Protesting only goes so far, without legal documents yuh spinning top in mud.

Can they stop Donald Trump from being President? the answer is no, because they can't find a way to do it legally. same situation here yuh want to remove the executive of Pan Trinbago find out how it can be done legally.

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  • Would there be a continuing investigation after 2017Panorama???

    Minister alarmed by misspending allegations

    Review for Pan Trinbago ahead...

    Pan Trinbago is still owing pan players money for performances in competitions it held in previous YEARS.


  • What can we expect from the UPPM after carnival?

    • Cecil: Put that up as a NEW TOPIC!!!

  • Mr Diaz is known not to have respect for Pan People, marching to his office and telling him to resign is not going to get any results. Protesters need to seek a lawyers advice for their next move or risk seeing their support start to dwindle.

    • I was wrong about not getting results, Peter this is my post from January 4th

      • ... and exactly WHAT RESULTS did they get? What has changed? Two people resigned from the EXECUTIVE that is the only change. And they are going to be replaced by hardcore KEITH DIAZ loyalists next time around. I have NO IDEA what VICTORY you guys are celebrating on this forum.

        Because I can ASSURE YOU that the whole LINDSAY CABINET that was lined up to take over with their 90-day interim committee followed by ELECTIONS followed by the PAY CHECKS and PERKS -- ah know that dem fellahs eh CELEBRATING NO VICTORY. Why yuh think Gregory Lindsay put his heart on his sleeve and come on this forum and apologize.

        Sometimes people get confused enough to see what THEY WANT TO SEE rather than what they are ACTUALLY SEEING.

        The only RESULTS allyuh get is that GOD answer allyuh prayers when allyuh ask him to save KEITH DIAZ life and return him safely to his office. He doing all kinda ah interview and ting now and he on THREE WEEKS PAID VACATION.

        And he BIGGER and MORE DANGEROUS now than ever.

        • The results they got was to shut down the protest.

  • Bugs  college boi ain't saying ah word, like he fraid or wah? To be truthful, the protesters got my hopes up, but I realize that they don't have a constructive plan, and marching alone ain't gonna cut it.

    • Cecil: bugs give college boy the starring role in his movie and the man appear in the opening scene and we never see him again. Ah hear about "flip the scrip(t)" but it look like KEITH DIAZ take the script away from bugs and directing the movie.

      Ah hearing that all the BIG BANDS will fall in line and play as usual.

      • Check who will walk away with the Oscar.


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