What's With All This?

I'm seeing all these discussions about pan being endangered and the Panorama crisis and calypso being dead and all this crazy stuff. We're having fun, we're playing our pans out, we're making good music, things are how they should be! We don't need to complain about Pan Trinbago or whatever.

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  • Luke, as a newbie on the forum I can understand your passion about the art-form. Please don’t be misguided by what you see/read into the discussions, all healthy criticism to seek truth and understanding. Some objectivity helps, the only way we can make progress in what we do is not become stagnated, be a part of the change movement in a positive way. What may seem to some as complaints can be seen by others as critical analysis towards becoming better at what we can do. All helping to discover possibilities.

  • Luke: Is ah bunch ah EXPATS living in FOREIGN and thinking that they could RUN PAN IN TRINIDAD from a KEYBOARD!!!

    However, I don't know about the "making good music" part because allyuh DECADES BEHIND in that category!!!

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