
  • Credits,( photographer, and All Stars) should be published with the photograph. If they were, it recognizes the value of the band and its origins. If not, it is another cut and paste job  by unprofessional PR people. Accrediting images is not just a matter of courtesy, it is settled copyright law.

  • I might be wrong,But what proof that you all have that  this photo belong to All Stars?

    I am just asking.

    • 911: We go have to send that PICTURE to the FORENSIC LABORATORY for some further investigation.

      Ah hope bugs eh blaming WIADCA falsely!!!

  • It also has Pan Fantasy 

  • Well both LONDON and NEW YORK played major roles in LAUNCHING GLOBAL PAN.

    So if BROOKLYN borrow ah lil TRINI PICTURE to advertise their GRAND PANORAMA SHOW -- NO BIG TING.

    And ah sure if ah call up meh pardner TRUMP and we check the ARRIVALS FROM TRINIDAD in the last few weeks -- we might find out that some ALL STARS PAN MEN are in NEW YORK playing in this PANORAMA.

    Furthermore, if allyuh read all dem THESIS dem WHITE FELLAHS does be writing about PAN -- dey does always spend three or four or five pages repeating the story about the where and when and why ORIGINS OF PAN IN TRINIDAD. So I eh worried about NEW YORK claiming ownership of the PAN.  (ANTIGUA have a better argument than NEW YORK.)

    Anyway, as long as KENDALL WILLIAMS WIN THIS PANORAMA -- that is all I CARE ABOUT!!!

    • Shame on WIADCA. Andre's a winner, go P.E.S.O.

  • Permit me to poke a lil fun at you and all NY panists and supporters...Why the complaint about a lil photo with two Trini steel bands (I think the other band is Invaders) when NY bands rely on Trinidad for everything. Over the years many Trini arrangers,  long before B.J, Duvonne, Ardin, Popwell in recent times, have contributed to NY Panorama...the Three amigos and Andre White making a name for themselves in Trinidad. Countless NY players get they lil Panorama experience and bragging rights from Trinidad...It's just a little bad choice of photo...Can't we all just get along?...

  • The more things CHANGE, the more they remain the SAME...

    WIADCA out of the Panorama business?
    Posted by Pan Times on July 16, 2012 at 10:19am in Commentary
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    As quietly as it has been kept, the New York 2011 panorama participants have still not been paid all of the prize monies owed to them.
    Talk about things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm.

  • They'll be claiming all steelbands originated in New York USA soon. Ha Ha

    • That's what I thought. As a matter of fact, I was thinking it originated in Japan.

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