Trust me it was tight....breathing space only....I was doing Radio Commentary, and had the opportunity to interview all arrangers and some Captains....they were all in agreement... that it was close to call...they were actually very happy with..the crowd in attendance....interest high, enthusiasm. least 85% some say more like 95%of all bands were youths .where the average age could be less than 20....many in their early...teens...and some pre teens..good for the future.
I enjoyed the performances...Man was I tired by the end....Don't even think I heard the last band play.
Trust me it was tight....breathing space only....I was doing Radio Commentary, and had the opportunity to interview all arrangers and some Captains....they were all in agreement... that it was close to call...they were actually very happy with..the crowd in attendance....interest high, enthusiasm. least 85% some say more like 95%of all bands were youths .where the average age could be less than 20....many in their early...teens...and some pre teens..good for the future.
Nice Panorama!!
That look like it was a tight race, by 1 point each, wow