Keith Diaz had only one interest in PAN TRINBAGO and that was to become president so that he can STEAL ALL THE MONEY. Today, the organization is THIRTY FOUR MILLION in debt and my inside sources tell me that 10 million of that 34 went directly into the pocket of KEITH DIAZ. Of course Doctor Dolly is never going to RUN THE FORENSIC AUDIT so we will never be able to trace that 10 MILL.
As Richard Pryor said: That's the politics, baby!!!
I just don't understand why the people on this forum cannot get this message. Keith Diaz is going to continue to run PAN TRINBAGO until 2020 -- all the while stealing half the money from the PAN MEN and doing NOTHING FOR THE PAN MOVEMENT.
So it is time for the NEW VISIONARIES and XL4PAN and UPPM and CIP and the WST posters and Doctor Dolly to stop pretending that PAN TRINBAGO is anything but the personal MONEY PRODUCING MACHINE for KEITH DIAZ and NOTHING ELSE.
I cannot believe that Aquil is actually trying to go up against THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ!!!
All this dialogue about Diaz is only making him bigger than he really is.
The dialogue could be helping others make INFORMED decisions, that's why Trump targeted the "low information" voters, those who have EYES and couldn't SEE. Now they can't believe what's happening, no jobs coming their way. It's me first "my brand" and family.
This is where character stands out vs personality, talking to impress is what most people fall for...
From Mia K. Gormandy, Pan Trinbago and the Social Conflict Surrounding Phase II's Panorama
Performance of 2011
" Diaz discussed with me his business skills, which he attributed to the many managerial roles he has held. He shared an interesting story with me: Hear how we use to make money at the bar. I use to pay players to come practice, but I made a rule… every person who comes to practice at night gets paid. So, you can’t come back and ask for money later in the night because you got money up front for traveling. During the night they would buy beers. I would even give them a free beer but once you start, you would want to buy more. The money was recycling (Diaz*). Diaz’s clever way of giving the players money, and collecting it the same night through the bar is an act he is proud of."
PDF datastream-1.pdf
It is time for MIA to do another interview with Keith Diaz so that he could explain how he ran PAN TRINBAGO into 34 million in DEBT while stuffing his own POCKETS with 10 million.
Come on GREGORY LINDSAY: Organize the MARCH!!!
Black Stalin More Come...
Produced by Randy Yearwood for his good friend Black Stalin.
This song tells of the strength of the South African spirit and their relentless fight against colonialism and Apartheid from the early days to more contemporary times.
David Rudder - Bigger Pimpin'
The Donald Trump of pan.....
No way Jerry, Trump has respect 4 pan, he owns 24% shares of the 4ths & 5ths technology since 1996, another "Syndicate" owns 25% shares and, S.N.S.E. still owns 51% control shares with a buy back clause, so Diaz and Copeland has to watch for their asses, the 4ths and 5ths technology is well protected, where Brian Copeland is about to be "extradited to, and indicted in the U.S." for S.N.S.E.'s "Big Tenor". Copeland called his "Genesis G-pan and PHI-pan, he patent in the U.S. where S.N.S.E had already Copyrighted the technology through the "Library of Congress Washington D.C.", November 1999, so just lay back and watch the "FIREWORKS FELLAS"...
We need some ACTION.
Doh do like the CIP with a 2000 page manifesto that eh going no whey!!!
Mi Amigo, I don't care about DEM, the man AW, told me to bide my time, it's like playing the pauses in music, it's about the phrasing of the melody, with CIP, PT, Pee oN theM,or NCC you know what they say man, let the chips fall where they and, nothing before it's time, something "Anthony Williams " taught me, he said set it up, and sit back and watch it fall, therefore, I studied "Philosophy" a study of the truth, and it was just as he said, I can tell a lie just by the sound of it, to me it is like a note out of TUNE / KEY...
I have told you to "Kick the Ass" (Keith Diaz) out of there for PanTrinbago to survive.