This week promises to be loaded with HIGH DRAMA and SURPRISING PLOT TWISTS as we head into Sunday's GRAND ELECTION.
Ramsey-Moore wants Pan Trinbago to see pan as a vehicle for social transformation in relation to poverty reduction, crime prevention and empowerment. Maybe she will get her chance to deliver on this VISION starting next week.
This is where technology comes in, 200 plus steel-bands, you need 2 members to endorse you and your team, say 400 individuals needed to cast votes in your favor, with a Phone (database) list of your members, you can alert them via text messaging (robo-text ) and get them on board. I wonder WHY the job of Secretary is UNCONTESTED?
With these job descriptions can they provide change you can believe in and support? Under her leadership can the Team change the culture that exist in the executive? Some people vote personality as opposed to services delivered.
The President presides over the Central Executive Committee and the general body. He
has the power and authority to conduct the executive functions of the Association when the
Central Executive Committee is not in session” (Pan Trinbago 2012). If this situation arises, all actions undertaken by the President are subject to approval by the Central Executive Committee. A person in this position has the power to delegate responsibilities to any member of any committee under the organization. With support from the Central Executive Committee, the President is allowed to “change the portfolio of any Officer of the Association,” is responsible for “the appointment of all sub-committees of the Associations,” and is the final authority on documentation and information released to the public (Pan Trinbago 2012). The Vice President assists the President with all duties, and acts as President in his absence.
The Secretary serves mainly as the liaison and communicator between the Central Executive and the Regional Executive. In addition, he or she is the main correspondent on behalf of Pan Trinbago to outside personnel. The Secretary coordinates and implements all decisions made by the Central Executive Committee (Pan Trinbago 2012). The person in this position is responsible for keeping minutes for scheduled meetings, and for the dispersion of these minutes to the larger body at a later time. In addition, the Secretary is held accountable for all officialrecords, and among other duties, has custody of the Seal of the Association. The Assistant Secretary assists the Secretary with major responsibilities and fuctions on his or her behalf in the event of an absence.
The Treasurer’s responsibilities are financial.He or she has custody of all funds, bonds, securities, and other important documents owned by the organization. It is vital that the Treasurer keeps an accurate account of all financial activities by the association, in addition to depositing any monies received on behalf of Pan Trinbago in a timely manner. It is also the responsibility of the Treasurer to liaise with auditors and submit a completed financial report to the Secretary at each general meeting.
Why wait until next week.......I am sure that members would love to hear the specifics before the elections.
Why wait until next week.....I am sure that members would like to hear the specifics.