
  • The reality of the day is after Panorama most Steelbands pack up their pans until the next year. The question all T&T people should ask themselves is,  is this progress?

    I am  not ashamed to express my displeasure over the inaction of people with power in the Mecca as they stood by and watched the Steelband slide from it's prominence in carnival, failure to adapt has caused serious set-backs with little or no hope for the future.

  • Cecil Hinkson , I don't think some people understand what you mean by "pan on the road".

    We old timers know what you mean.

    When I think of steelbands at carnival I am not thinking of "combo side " steelbands on trucks.

    I am thinking of steelbands having an impact , the sort of impact from the days when you felt the power of the pan in your gut.

    That power was one of the things that made us fall in love with the steelband in the first place .

    Years ago I was in Toronto for carnival , and I saw a steelband ( it may have been Salah's group ) .

    They were playing beautifully , and there were some appreciative fans around , and some curious onlookers.

    But I thought , these people could never get the pan vibe like we did back in the day , because there was no power , no impact.

    Now , I do not know if or how that would be achievable today , but I do know that is one of the main things missing from steelbands at carnival today is the lack of power , and the ability to make an impact. (except on the panorama stage , of course)

    • Glenroy, I know dem days you talking about. Is when you used to hear the chipping of the feet before you even hear de music.  Yes, dat was de power of pan. Bring back de ole time days. But I doh tink we getting dat back nah.

    • Glenroy and oswald, The smart thing for T&T to do is the show respect for our creation and allow the Steelbands a few hours on the road, they are a vital part of our culture that we should NEVER give up. Our job is to wake-up all those who fell asleep on the Steelband. In a previous post I spoke about Carnival Monday afternoon for pan only with a Bomb competition, this will go a long way in rejuvenating the pan scene on the road, T&T owe it to the Steelband to remove off life support.

      oswald the answer to the WHY, HOW and WHAT is in the knowledge of how it was in the 60s and 70s, they need to see the Steelband when it stood strong.

      • "The smart thing for T&T to do"

        Cecil,there are many SMART lawyers in T&T who can put much more pen to paper in a day,than we can put together in our collective lifetimes.The other stakeholders in Carnival who have heavy investment,what should they do....pack up,and go home quietly,because you and I want to hear Pan alone???? 

        • oswald, so what yuh tellin meh is all the stakeholders who have money invested in carnival aint give a shit about culture, this is the problem with pan people, they  don't see the need to mobilize and fight for a place in carnival, when one accept defeat their faith is sealed.

          • Cecil, you need to get real, Carnival is Mas,Pan,Kaiso,Soca and whatever else,you cannot take your preferences and shove it down the other stakeholders throat.......but you can talk doing it until you get blue in the face...... but I am sensible enough to know that "my likes" may not be other people's likes.

            Cecil I seem to remember you celebrating All Stars winning the "Band of the Year" two years straight....... yet you wrote  "this is the problem with pan people, they  don't see the need to mobilize and fight for a place in carnival, when one accept defeat their faith is sealed."

            NB: Pan people has seen worst than what you write, and they are still DOERS!

            • qswald, the stakeholders main purpose is making money but when the price is wiping out a vital part of your culture their has to be a push back, T&T don't seem to place any value on the steelband, it is what make what you have unique and should be protected at all cost.

              I celebrate All Stars success because they are a good example, they stood up against the big bad beast and won, others may not be able to do it but they prove it's doable.

              Pan People ain't doing too much if they remove themselves for the most lucrative market in what they do, we have two days of carnival, a few hours from one day to showcase the steelband is a small price to pay for something as big as the steelband.

              STEELBANDS MATTER.......not only for panorama but also carnival, lets stop making excuses for the bullies that shove them off the road.

              No Calvary from outside coming to help,  you have to learn to access whatever you can from those in foreign on your own, it is what it is.

              • Cecil the Steelband was birthed in fire and steel,the steelband man was jailed,hunted,chop,shot,stabbed and then some....what makes you believe that we have to make excuses for anyone.

                I proposed a way for us to recreate the 60s,70s vibes on carnival days without any major disruption to the rest of the proposed a major disruption to the other stakeholders Carnival,and because I attempted to show you the possible pitfalls with such a think we are waiting on a "Calvary from outside "and "making excuses" Let me repeat, STEELBAND  people are eternally optimistic....if they weren't,you would probably be writing about the lack of Sitar bands in India on Holi day.


                • oswald, let me clarify something here, I only used the phrase "Calvary from outside"because other Locals keep saying people from outside should come down and do, not to disrespect what you are saying.

                  It is because of those very people the ones with buss head, gun shot,stab wounds, I chose to be vocal about the state of the steelband in the Mecca, the stakeholders plan don't include the steelband and that's total disrespect for all the fallen soldiers, not to mention our culture.

                  People that invest money only aim is profit and it don't matter who or what dies in the process, if you look at the state of carnival today you see the evidence of "over milking" one could argue the  point the steelband and carnival could never die, that's true but they could be in "rehab" for years.

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