Was it Boogsie

Was it Beverley

Was it Bertel

Or the Devil in Hell ...     

Dem fellahs gone to fight KEITH DIAZ and they eh even come to consult me before they make dey move! I have all the psychological insights into KEITH DIAZ and not a man come on the forum and ask for a little guidance from the KEITH DIAZ GURU.

Gregory Lindsay swear he take down DIAZ and he was going to be the next PRESIDENT of PAN TRINBAGO. From oceans away I could see the ARROGANCE BUBBLING but KEITH DIAZ bowl him out and catch him out and stump him out and run him out.

Make sure this man never get on the PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE eh, he has ZERO POLITICAL SKILLS. What I worried about, anyway. I will die and KEITH DIAZ will still be running PAN TRINBAGO especially now (rumour has it) that he got a brand new heart from a 25 year-old man.


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  • And he took it out that heart him-self.

  • Claude why didn't you tell Rolly Polly to stay in hiding, collect prayers and shut his mouth.  The government will not pay that 31 million as long as Dr. Dolly is in charge.  That behind the back old boy network will not work. Dr. Dolly is also watching the NCC too.  

    Two rookies get Rolly Polly to come out in public with all his boys and say "we are responsible".  Didn't you coach him to say "I don't recall"..

    College boy seating back laughing....


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