Next......a world cruise for Pan Trinbago's officials and their families. Enjoy the empty Treasury. Panorama monies slashed by 50% to cover 2015 losses. Wake me when it's over.
Ray Charles could have seen that, Lol. What is needed now is the PNM need to appoint an Independent Auditor to Audit the Books on how the Citizens of T&T Tax money was being spent by Pantrinbago.
PNM DOH AUDIT PNM!!!! All ah we old men on this forum will die with Diaz still in office stealing millions and millions and PAN stuck in the 20th Century!!! What a shame. QUITE DEPRESSING. But how the NEW VISIONARIES could have so OVER-RATED themselves and MISREAD the CARDS is beyond my comprehension. All along the line I was hesitant to really point out the FOLLY. PAN PROGRESS IS DEAD.
They find it so and they like it so, still... Time to beg and scrunt for some pan-money, hustle for some cacada for panorama while the big players share the big spoils and listen to more idle talk about what we could and should do more for pan... They Like It So!!!
lol…Patrick yuh bad...
Ian yuh real know the man! LOL.
I know you already know (lol)
Diaz is the man... The New Visionaries take a thumping.
Ray Charles could have seen that, Lol. What is needed now is the PNM need to appoint an Independent Auditor to Audit the Books on how the Citizens of T&T Tax money was being spent by Pantrinbago.
PNM DOH AUDIT PNM!!!! All ah we old men on this forum will die with Diaz still in office stealing millions and millions and PAN stuck in the 20th Century!!! What a shame. QUITE DEPRESSING. But how the NEW VISIONARIES could have so OVER-RATED themselves and MISREAD the CARDS is beyond my comprehension. All along the line I was hesitant to really point out the FOLLY. PAN PROGRESS IS DEAD.
They find it so and they like it so, still... Time to beg and scrunt for some pan-money, hustle for some cacada for panorama while the big players share the big spoils and listen to more idle talk about what we could and should do more for pan... They Like It So!!!
Claude Very depressing indeed Claude.