And, for the record, I will say it again: I don't think THE DEBT is such a BIG DEAL.

But we need to bring some PROVEN BUSINESSMEN to come in and run (if not run -- direct) the organization. And, even then, if they do not have a GLOBAL PLAN for the PAN -- that is another waste of time.

However, people choose to overlook and forget THE PRIMARY PURPOSE of PAN TRINBAGO which I have stated 100 times on this forum (quoting Kim Johnson on several occasions). So in the BIG PICTURE -- from the government's standpoint -- PAN TRINBAGO is doing JUST FINE.


Talk to FORTEAU and SHEPERD and MENDEZ and they will tell you about the CONSIDERABLE talent in that organization and the celestial plans that they have for PAN once you vote them back in!!!

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  • what ever happened to panvesco

     that was a well  thought out idea with a lot of good  people

     what ever happened to the funds??

     can anyone  throw some light on this

  • Why don't we be honest? End of story.

  • Yeah, you don't have to be a doctor to be Minister of Health. Business Administration, perhaps?

  • FYI The PanTrinbago Constitution

    1. Subject to the rules and regulations of the Association for the time being
    in force, the membership of the Association and its outreach organs shall be
    open to all bona fide steelpan and/or steelband players, ensembles, associations,
    sponsors, benefactors, patrons, friends, Individuals, tuners, arrangers, solo
    players or any other persons sympathetic to the steelband movement and/or to
    the aims and objectives of the Association.

    2. Membership in the Association shall be of an Ordinary, Honorary or
    Affiliate nature and shall be based on such criteria established or varied from
    time to time by the General Body.

    3. There shall be no restriction upon admission to membership for the
    reasons of gender, literacy/educational background, social status, race, colour,
    creed, ethnic origin, profession, vocation or political affiliation.

    1. This form of membership shall be restricted to bona fide Steelbands.

    2. Each ordinary member shall be entitled to hold office in and to attend
    and vote at all meetings of the Association and to enjoy such other privileges as
    may be extended by the Central Executive Committee.

    3. No ordinary member shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the
    Association unless he is in good financial standing.

  • Remove the running of Panorama from Pan Trinbago's domain and lets see who wants the job now.


  • Cecil, as KEITH DIAZ once said: Every COMPANY has DEBT -- what is the BIG DEAL.

    The true weakness is the LACK OF HUMAN RESOURCES equipped to MOVE PAN FORWARD!!!

    • PTB has two huge DEBTS,  (1) is Thirty plus million dollars, (2) is sober, qualified, business minded members to run a profitable organization. 1+2=0.

  • Running an organization that is 30-40 mill. in the red is not very appealing.

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