First of all, TRINIDADIANS in TRINIDAD do not read this forum. I would guess that about 50,000 people read this forum and about 25,000 of them are registered. Of that 50,000 I doubt that more than 200 people in Trinidad read this forum and I doubt that more than 50 PAN MEN in Trinidad read this forum. And of those 50 PAN MEN I doubt that more than 10 of them are voting delegates.
So why run your political campaign in this fruitless field? If the plan is to agitate KEITH DIAZ, there are easier ways to do that right there on the ground. The CIP needs about 110 STEELBANDS to sign their petition; that is an astronomical number in my books; I don't see them coming close. And they must know that if they know the mentality of the voters they are dealing with.
Oswald Alexander came on this forum and told a story that told THE STORY. I don't know how people could not get it -- simple and purely TRINIDADIAN as it was.
If I was hired as a political consultant to the CIP I would have them set up a rogue website and from that website I would attack the foundations of KEITH DIAZ and PAN TRINBAGO. (Just take a look at how the LEFT WING media in AMERICA dogs DONALD TRUMP on a daily basis, unrelentingly.) I would expand the playing field and force ROWLEY and DOCTOR DOLLY to take action. But the CIP is in a political trap because this is all ONE BIG PNM BACCHANAL and the CIP dare not threaten the hand that feeds.
So KEITH DIAZ will continue to rule!!! And to WATCH the stagnancy of the PAN MOVEMENT IN THE MECCA while millions and millions of dollars keep getting pumped into the PAN and PAN TRINBAGO only to be stolen -- is a heartbreak for PAN LOVERS around the WORLD.