Still no pay for T&T 2016 Panorama players while Pan Trinbago bonding in North America. 

Can we please get an estimate when the players of Trinidad and Tobago will be paid?

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  • One of these days, we will make an intelligent differentiation between professional panists , and most of the rest of us who play and have played in steelbands as a hobby , and because of the love of the art form.

    Not saying we didn't like to make a dollar or two , but as I recall my participation in steelbands was never really about money.

    We have to stop assuming that steelband associations are labor unions.

    That is far from the case. They are social and cultural organizations of groups dependent on support by individual sacrifice , sponsorships in some cases, community support  , and government funding.

    We have to free up our minds to explore alternative sources of revenue , apart from depending on the aforementioned sources exclusively for funding .

    There seem to be an underlying assumption that something underhanded is going on in these steelband associations , and if only we get rid of the bad eggs e.g. .Kieth Diaz and  the executives of PanTrinbago ,everything will be ok and money will flow.

    I sincerely doubt this , since we are dealing with a government that is facing something of a financial crisis.

    And it takes real money to keep an organization such as PT afloat.

    I do not have a stake in this argument , so I feel free to express my opinions , and to be honest , I may question the steelband association leaders of many things ; lack of initiative,mediocre planning and a lack of vision for the future of the art-form but I doubt that skulduggery is in play , as some would suggest.

    I think that we may replace all the executives in these organizations , but without a new progressive , visionary, long term plan for the future of the art-form , and for the well being of the steelbands and the players themselves , we will be hearing the same  discussions and arguments for years to come.

    • True dat Glenroy, The state of the Steelband is due to a lack of VISIONARIES.

  • Bugs the players in T&T ain't making no noise, that's small money to them, 2 Roti, 2 Carib and a pack ah cigarette and money done.. The Prez meeting wid some bank in NY, he better pray no Trini ain't working dey.  lolol

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