‘Windrush or Bum Rush’ by Depo

‘Windrush or Bum Rush’ by Depo

Britain, oh no, not the Motherland 

So proud I was to be called an Englishman 

Never imagined I’ll be labeled with such a racist slang, and treated as a member of an invading gang

‘The Windrush Generation’ - Britain, oh no, not the Motherland 

For all the years I stood by her

Chiseled steel in factories and fought her wars

With spirited dedication that was my cause

Today I wonder, today I ponder, today I pause

Britain, oh no, not the Motherland 

The corpses of many on seabeds far below

The bloodstain murals of martyrs I can’t ignore 

Today I wonder, today I ponder, today I raised my hand, wondering how would I be remembered 

As an Englishman, or just one from the ‘Windrush Gang’

by Clevoy Depradine

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