Global - Even as Lord Kitchener sang “The Carnival Is Over,” “Champs of Steel Plus gives steelpan music and culture lovers one final chance to relive the memories of the recently-concluded Carnival celebrations.

The post-Carnival event produced by Pan Trinbago and which features, in part, most of the winners and champions of the major competitions - is held annually on the Saturday after Carnival. This year’s event takes place on Saturday 8th March at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Showtime time is 8:00 p.m.
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  • How in the world could Renegades be placed 3rd? How? Can somebody please tell me. Yes, take nothing away from Boogsie and his Phase, an excellent performance......again. But what in his arrangement, or what did these judges are listening, to make these judge mental calls. Certainly All Stars did not deserve 2nd place. Personally I believe they're (judges) not quite ready for this kind of musical arrangement performed by Renegades. And you know what, they saved the best for last, and yet these judges did not make the right call. A musical masterpiece.
    I challenge anyone to again listen--no bias--to both Phase 11 and Renegades and See what I'm saying.
    All hail to RENEGADES here!
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