This is a heavily Afro-Centric Forum so perhaps a little dose of future truth might spark a political awakening in one young mind who happens to read this article. But as AMERICA BROWNS, the future of BLACK AMERICA seems to be getting DARKER and DARKER to me and a very small number of political observers in this country.
Having lived in GROUND ZERO of illegal BROWN IMMIGRATION for the last 40 years, I have witnessed the progression first hand and I have seen the "destruction" of long established Black Communities as life-time residents have been forced to scatter to Las Vegas and Texas and other cities in the South.
The net effect is the dilution of BLACK POLITICAL POWER!!!
According to projections from the Census Bureau, non-Hispanic whites will comprise less than 50 percent of the U.S. population by 2044. But by 2044 the distinction between the category of “non-Hispanic whites” might be as socially irrelevant as that of “non-Irish whites” is today.
For the most part, “white” is a social category more so than an ethnic or genetic one. Two centuries ago, Irish Americans could not claim membership to America’s dominant racial caste. Their (supposedly) dog-like faced marked them as an inherently servile people, while their Catholicism rendered them slavishly devoted to popery and, thus, unfit for citizenship in a liberal republic.
But over time, racial distinctions in the United States began narrowing into a binary that separated all manner of European Americans from those with darker skin tones — and the Irish took pains to demonstrate solidarity with the former group in their conflicts with the latter (which is exactly what the HISPANICS -- THE BROWNS -- are going to do in 24 years). Thus, the Irish became white. And so too did the Italians, Slavs, and (perhaps to a somewhat lesser extent) Jews.
Given the number of Hispanic Americans who already identify as “white,” and the demographic’s rising rate of intermarriage, it seems quite likely that a large portion of that "BROWN POPULATION" will be seen as white by 2044 — and that the distinction between “Hispanic whites” and the current garden variety will mean little by that date.
But the BLACK POPULATION will still be BLACK!!! And there lies the deception of the BIG TENT fallacy that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY has sold to AFRICAN-AMERICANS (in the interim to hold on to power) as they stack the deck with a massive BROWN VOTING MACHINE.
I know one thing: There is deep-seated resentment among the BROWN POPULATION against BLACK AMERICA. So when the numbers flip by 2044 it will be segregation and punishment time.
Given my view (not only mine) of the upcoming scenario, could you imagine how distressed I get when I see BLACK POLITICIANS and BLACK TELEVISION BROADCASTERS advocating for the rights of BROWN PEOPLE to enter this country illegally -- blind to the disastrous long-term effects that this illegal immigration has already had and will continue to have on BLACK COMMUNITIES for decades to come.