Players cash their cheque today, everybody in the panyard tonight ready to go hard at 2017 panorama. Nothing can separate pan people from the love of panorama.
Arthur: Go and listen to "GOOD MORNING" again and tell me how players could NOT CONCENTRATE on making that song one of the the GREATEST EVER PANORAMA HITS.
The standard this year WILL BE ROCKING!!! And somebody will play "GOOD MORNING" GOOD ENOUGH to win the PANORAMA!!!
Cecil hinkson > Claude GonzalesJanuary 8, 2017 at 2:40pm
They making it easy for Boogsie this year, the best Good Morning going up against him.
I doubt it...the quality will be spot on...What I find interesting as we on this topic is the fact that eight Large bands have chosen Good Morning. Patrick Arnold instituted the back-in-times tune nonesense under his watch because he led panmaen to believe that the present stock of music available was inferior to that of years gone by...less music etc...Plus too many bands were playing the same tune...Well look how the tables turn now...according to Bro Valentino..."Dey gone right back in de friggin tent"...
Bugs > merrytonestotheboneJanuary 8, 2017 at 2:17pm
I have to agree with you about back in times. It is total nonsense. Patrick Arnold should be exposed too for some of his dumb decisions. But that is a discussion for another time.
Bugs: If you and merrytonestothebone keep criticizing PATRICK ARNOLD on this forum I will be forced to stop my attempted derailment of KEITH DIAZ and move on to less constructive topics. Or is that destructive topics?
Claude this movie remains totally about Rolly Polly & D'Photo teefing dem children Christmas money. Not to mention the total disrespect to Pan men and Dr. Dolly.
Players cash their cheque today, everybody in the panyard tonight ready to go hard at 2017 panorama. Nothing can separate pan people from the love of panorama.
Trini Peeps accustomed to pressure... When the time come to perform, they will amaze all...
WST can you bring the Quick Chart up to date.
Arthur: Go and listen to "GOOD MORNING" again and tell me how players could NOT CONCENTRATE on making that song one of the the GREATEST EVER PANORAMA HITS.
The standard this year WILL BE ROCKING!!! And somebody will play "GOOD MORNING" GOOD ENOUGH to win the PANORAMA!!!
They making it easy for Boogsie this year, the best Good Morning going up against him.
I doubt it...the quality will be spot on...What I find interesting as we on this topic is the fact that eight Large bands have chosen Good Morning. Patrick Arnold instituted the back-in-times tune nonesense under his watch because he led panmaen to believe that the present stock of music available was inferior to that of years gone by...less music etc...Plus too many bands were playing the same tune...Well look how the tables turn now...according to Bro Valentino..."Dey gone right back in de friggin tent"...
I have to agree with you about back in times. It is total nonsense. Patrick Arnold should be exposed too for some of his dumb decisions. But that is a discussion for another time.
Bugs: If you and merrytonestothebone keep criticizing PATRICK ARNOLD on this forum I will be forced to stop my attempted derailment of KEITH DIAZ and move on to less constructive topics. Or is that destructive topics?
Claude this movie remains totally about Rolly Polly & D'Photo teefing dem children Christmas money. Not to mention the total disrespect to Pan men and Dr. Dolly.