THE NEW TODAY understands that the current executive led by Jason Skeete has written to the Minister of Culture, Senator Nolan Cox warning him of reprisals if the government entertains another group that is made up of some pannists associated with three of the major steelbands on the island.

President of the Grenada Steel Bands Association, Jason Skeete, threatens action if rival group is recognised by Ministry of Culture
Skeete confirmed to this newspaper the existence of the letter which he said was signed by seven of the eleven bands – Florida All Stars, Pan Ossia, Pan Lovers, Grand Roy Pan Angels, New Dimensions, Melodic Symphony, Melody Warrior.
The letter was reportedly not signed by Flow Commancheros of St. Paul’s, Republic Bank Angel Harps of the Carenage, Food Fair/Suzuki Pan Wizards of River Road, and Rainbow City Allstars of Grenville in St. Andrew.
According to Skeete, the seven bands were forced into this approach following reports that three particular dissident members of the association are seeking to institute their own body as the official association for steelbands in Grenada.
The three members have been linked to a no-confidence motion to remove Skeete as President at a 2018 General Council meeting, one year after he was elected to the post.
Skeete told THE NEW TODAY that a delay in registering the Association as a non-profit organisation opened the door for the three opposing members to try to take ownership of the association.