Women In Pan -- C News - Israel McLeod

Trinidad & Tobago

Recognizing the contribution of women to the many aspects of the steel pan industry, is one of the essential pillars of the work of the Caribbean Steel Pan Connextion.

Israel McLeod, Manager of the organization says their concert, Women in Steel brings to the fore, the work women have being doing over the years in relation to the national instrument.

She says women have been mothers and councillors for the pan movement and now are rising to administrative and management roles.

Ms Mc leaod says the pan yard is used now for more than just playing pan, as seniors help youngsters with their home work and music theory.  She says it has evolved over time nurturing connections and becoming for the youth and others a home away from home.

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  • But is MAN who invent PAN and take PAN all over the WORLD!!!

  • Well done Israel.....WST family....dis is a great one...BigRespect..yearOfLOVE

  • nice.....
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