THE month of August is pan month with a number of pan events occurring across the country. From now on, August 11 will be known as World Pan Day. This was announced Sunday at the Pan Trinbago head office on the corner of Duke and Melbourne Street.
Pan Trinbago president Beverly Ramsey-Moore said pan is a marvellous instrument of the 20th century that is played and celebrated all over the world. Countries such as Switzerland, Denmark, Grenada, Germany, Japan, Finland, The Netherlands, France, US and UK are have pan associations or teach and practice the pan.
“It is hailed all over the world that TT is the land of steel pan. As we look at it through the world, it should be recognised by our own. We will be there to support all organisations that have pan in their different countries... Let pan be spread through out the world. It is our gift to the world,” she said.
August is "pan month"?
Is dat de same month wey dey have CARIFESTA, wey de minister ah culture like she shame tuh have pan on ah so-call "Super Concert"...?
Who foolin who?
Not all pan players dotish...some ah we does tink fuh weself.
"A suggestion was made that on next year’s World Pan day all pan sides organise to play in their own panyard."
Cecil Hinkson: Find meh ah good lawyer down in TRINIDAD ah going and sue for intellectual property theft.
Years ago I outlined a formula (ON THIS FORUM -- more than once) for a NATIONAL DAY OF RECOGNITION FOR PAN down in Trinidad. And I specifically suggested that one way of celebrating that day is to have ALL PAN SIDES play in their yard or nearest PARK and have the local community turn it into a sort of PICNIC EVENT with the STEELBAND MUSIC at the center of the celebration.
Now man gone and carry that idea in the WORLD STEELPAN DAY LAUNCH as if they originate that idea on their own.
So is not only BEVERLEY tiefing meh ideas!!!
But ah was planning to make another suggestion on this WORLD STEELPAN DAY ting although I was a little hesitant because it might seem DIVISIVE on the surface to the LOCAL THINKING. However, in actuality it is nothing but an extension of the origin NATIONAL DAY OF RECOGNITION FOR PAN which I tabled YEARS AGO!!!
And since some fellah went and present the idea of playing in your own panyard (my idea) I will expand upon that later -- taking my chances!!!