I awoke this morning, and decided to log into WST. I'm not sure if you all have been tuning in to the last 24 hour's postings, but I really had a "WTF" moment, when I saw SIDDS' latest postings. Now, in my opinion, I think this guy has some serious issues understanding how racist his comments are. I am not calling him racist, though, and I want that to be clear, as I do not know him. However, I do recognize racist comments when I see them, and, I decided to collect a sample of his postings, just within the last day, or so. One would also recognize, by the timeline of both of our recent postings, that his "discussion", seems to have been spurned by mine on "colourblindness". (Closest I've ever felt to being cyber-stalked.) One would also note the responses he received, that he considers "good", and, his "psychological" state, which he admits to not being "normal". I would say, you'd probably have a more cohesive conversation speaking with your pan than with this self-proclaimed "spiritual" one. He would see that as "normal", being that he believes that pan has, and get this, DNA.
On the subject of "racism", what SIDDS seems to have an issue with is the acceptance of his "Dougla-ness". That is very apparent, and his preoccupation with including "non-Blacks" among the inventors of pan, is but a feeble attempt, that not even the most racist "non-Blacks", who know the facts, would support, and this includes today's hundreds of thousands of international players. Without further ado, I present, SIDDS - Uncut...
"The law of karma is real. What goes around comes around. If you are white and enslave black people, your next life the table will be turned around. You will take birth as a black man who will then be enslaved by whites who you enslaved in your past life. .. Who was crazy Ellie Manette or the fella who stole hid barcuda pan? Tell me."
(Editor's note: Someone, please tell him. I'm cross-eyed. Seriously, I'f that comment isn't racist,then shit is sugar.)
"Trinidad was at physical war within themselves caused by race, class and color. After the invention of pan the physical race, class and color wars stopped and remained on a subtle platform.
As the pan developed more, the subtle war reduced. As the pan is situated across the globe, the subtle war remains only in the minds of those who cant recognize that the pann is the best remover of race, class and color. There are black , white and colored Trinidadians with this sort of confused minds."
(Editor's note, with hand up: Eh, excuse me, wise one, how is it possible to "reduce" something that has "stopped", i.e. zeroed? Is that like going into negative integers?)
"The bal is in your court to prove that I dont like black people. My statements on race, class and color is always linked with God. Man didnt make himself in a particular race, class or color. By a man's action you may take birth with a suitable body. If you accuse wrongfully a man of being a tief, you will become that tief instantly. Bugs like I told you, you are dealing with a person who counsels confused persons."
(Editor's note: "Bal"? Freudian slip? By, this reasoning, I'm an "instant" knucklehead! Only the "confused", would seek your services, you "Guru", you.)
"But real questions should be just that. You should not really know the answers to your questions. If someone knows 2 plus 2 is equal to 4 and ask a question what is 2 plus 2 unless he is school teacher such a question is not realy a question in truth. It is a statement made out as a question to fool the answerer. A trick question it is called. If you have questions which you really dont know, then ask those questions. If you feel you know the answer to your questions then I will pick up on those trick questions and just wont bother to answer you. Part of my professional training is human psycholgy. So please be aware of this as well. Many people place questions which obiviously they already know, and will not be willing to seek another opnion in a genuine way. So those questions and types are really menat to insult the answerer. They are not meant to obtain another view point.
Black people must not think they should be feared. White people must not think they should be feared. If one dies thinking one should be feared, one make take birth as a snake. A snake likes every one to fear them. Be careful."
(Editor's note, again with hand enthusiastically raised: I know this one. I know this one. The words you're looking for are, RHETORICAL QUESTION? That is an example, by the way. Do I get to come back as a "white slave master", now? I been a good, smart Negro.)
"But I was there when the pan became a full melodic instrument, and like others of those times I saw where the melodic pan both became a envious object to the pan supporters themselves (not the pan inventors or players) and where they would become jealous of each other's bands. Those were the steelband clashes days. I was also there when pan attracted all races, classes and colors. This attraction wasnot caused by anyone particular pan adminstrator or group of people although they did good work at the time. This was due to the pan itself. The pan has the inbuilt effect of unifying the races, classes and colors of people. .. But once you ay race, class or color in relation to the pan, that's the very spiritual purpose of the pan, because the pan entered into this world because of theseperation of race, class and color, something which harmful to human society"
(Editor's note: Okay, so the pan clashes, Blakie sang about, were really pan supporter clashes? Another, Scooby Doo moment...Whoa?)
"Dont over react. as soon as you do this you lose the ability to deduct. No not everyone was beaten by the police because the dared to associate with the pan. There are some of us who joined very early with the pan because were simply attracted to it. Some came from the lower classes, the middle classes, the upper classes. Some were white, black and some inbetwwen. Just as you see various colors and races in T&T so too, the pan bands took their shape."
(Editor's note: Does any WST member know when SIDDS became involved in pan, which band he used to play for, and have any photos of him "creating" with the "creators"?)
"So while it is true that it started among such inequalities, but soon become equal to anyone who wanted to play it. There was never class fights or racial fights among pan players or pan bands. in the very beginning the colonial government got Afro policement to beat up black players. Thats when it did not take melodic shape as yet. The fights among pan bands were built o jealousy for each other bands and other simple causes. They were not fights between races or classes of people. before the pan was invented, there were racial and class fights. As soon as the pan truly came in, something happened to Trinidad. The race or class physical fights came to and end. It is as if the pan instrument invention stopped this. So my description of the pan is slightly different than the normal one. I say it is a race uniter, class uniter, color uniter musical instrument. It has that power enbedded in its genes.
You are dealing with a person who has played and created pans along with the original creators of pan. You are dealing with a black person who knows the color of God's spiritual body. His color is like a blackish rain cloud…. My grand fathers on both sides of the fense were old pan men inventors and players. Ken Philmore is coming from my East Indian grand father side."
(Editor's note: So the "Afro policement", I guess, will be coming back as "Black slaves", and the non-Afro "policement", will be coming back as "white masters". I now understand why some think you are "alien", for you MUST be living in a Trinidad & Tobago, that's in some parallel Universe! "Slightly different" from "normal", is a huge under-statement.)
"Good responses so far. I didnt expect that I would have automatic agreement. Automatic agreement does not create good thinking and referencing. It stops the posts short. I am known to have some of the longest posts running for days. In this way I sqeeze out all the contributions to bring out whats inside. If I say yes the Afro Trinidadian created the pan because he was ill treated by the colonial masters, that would be too easy an automatic agreement by everyone. .. So the African Trinidadian discovers of pan, had many social desires, economic desires, class desires, race desires, color desires and spiritual desires which they also wanted to cross over. They also didnt have a clue at that time that by simply getting the gift of creating a steel pan that this instrument would have helped cross the barrier of race, class, color and so on. They learnt this as they went along and they were surprised. So the pan is race remover, a class remover, a color remover, an economic developer, and a spiritual developer all in one. Any one can respond?"
(Editor's note: Here is a slight peep into the mind of an egomaniac. Half the responses are attacking his comments; the other half are his mumbo-jumbo replies. This guy has some serious power issues, and thinks he is speaking down to a dumb audience, who cannot recognize a fake, when they see one. Oops, now I'm gonna come back as a Black Slave Snake. Funny, this "spiritual" person, doesn't understand that the "snake" represents "fertility", and the totemic symbol is still used in medicine, via the Greeks, stolen from Kemet/Egypt.)
"All things "created" are given by God in the first instance. Man is not equiped either physically, mentally or spiritually to create any thing which is not first ordained by God…Pan wont exist if the other members of His family, the other descendents of Europe, India, China, and other places where people came from did help the African Trinidadian. Pan wont exist if God meant it to be only designated as a "blackman's instrument", as a poor man's instrument, as a Trinidad and Tobago instrument, as a lower class instrument meant to be played only by the lower classes. Pan wont have gone international if God's intentions were simply to give it to simple poor men in poor areas in Trinidad and Tobago. It is more than obvious that God's intention was to, yes, first satisfy an immediate desire of the poor African Trinidad descent man, but to also give a gift which is highly capable of uniting the classes, the races, the colors of people world wide. I repeat there are musical instruments also given by God to other races that are not capable of unting the classes, races or colors of people world wide as tha pan has done.
(Editor's note: The real issue, giving the African his sole invention, emerges.)
"So if we go back to the desires of the poor Afro Trinidadians involved in making the pans to what it is today, from day one, when it was merely a desire to replace the natural instruments of the drums of both Africa and India which were banned, we will see that both the African drum and the Indian drum constitutes the first ryhthmic instrumets on the planet. Drums are the first natural instruments of sound in the universe. . The pan therefore is a combination of all drums of this world and especially the drums of Africa and India. Only this time the drum which was given to the Trinidadian of African descent, incorporated the melodic notes of European music…The pan therefore, even though it was given first to the African descent Trinidadian, was really given to him because, first he qualified spiritually, socially, racially, and also class wise. It couldnt have been given to anyone else in this world for they either had their own drums-namely the Africans in Africa and elsewhere, The Indians in India and to a great extent the Indians in Trinidad still retained their connection with India even to this day, so in this sense they were not given the pan at first. They didnt need that much. So it was a question of who wanted it the most...The color of the skins of the major inventors although a qualification, is just but a part of their qualifications as spiritual individuals. .. Ellie Manette in particular, although not much more spiritually qualified than the rest of the original inventors, played an important role in his personal body make up and still continues to do so. His father was a white American and his mother was of Afro Trinidadian descent. Tony Williams has East Indian descent parenthood. St James is famous for their douglas. I was born in a time zone when we use to make our own pans. We cut them, we stretch them, we heat them, we beat them, we tuned them when they went out, we painted them, we polished their notes. we made pans thoseof us who played them back then in the sixties."
(Editor's note: A glimpse into "Negrophobia". Here we see evidence of his "Dougla-ness", issues. Clinically, children of "mixed" parentage, have had they issues in dealing with identity. I would hope that SIDDS, learns to embrace both his African and East Indian roots, and both cultures' contributions to civilization. I am glad I was born in Trinidad, for although I have no East Indian background, as a "Trini", ah have ah little Chutney in meh. lol. I truly love all my countryman and countrywoman, and it is the clarification of our collective contributions to our society, that make me appreciate, and give credit to our various "cultures". This is what makes Trinidad & Tobago so exotically colorful, but giving each group their deserved "props", can only be beneficial to the country, as a whole.)
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