York County School of the Arts offers rhythm ensemble


Virginia, USA - Members of a rhythm ensemble at the York County School of the Arts aren't marching but they are moving to the beat of a unique drum — the steel drum.

Every Monday afternoon the resonate, bell-like sounds of the drums, also known as steelpans, spills out into the school's halls. Freshman Katherine Dillman said behind the music is "a bunch of kids learning the steel drums and having fun."

The ensemble got its start last school year after SOA teacher Renee Kingan, who'd seen a student steel drum ensemble through the Virginia Festival of the Arts perform the year prior, reached out to festival organizers to inquire about starting a rhythm project in York County.

....Sophia Subero, Virginia Festival of the Arts rhythm project director, manages nine projects at schools throughout Hampton Roads. She said the drums are a good gateway instrument to get kids hooked on music for life.
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