This is something that THE LOCALS will NEVER UNDERSTAND.
THE LOCALS have to sit down and have a group conscience search and ask themselves: How did PAN reach as FAR AROUND THE WORLD as it did?
And the answer is: EXPAT PAN LOVERS!!!
So until they wake up and realize that they have to work HAND in HAND with EXPATS if they want to see that BRAND T&T TING WORLDWIDE -- dey better start consulting with some EXPATS. And dem EXPATS are just DYING TO ASSIST in a well-organized global effort -- but like none ah dem down there eh care.
Beverley shoulda done call up Cecil and Salah and bugs and odw and WST and all her other supporters on THIS FORUM and tried to start establishing networks with THE EXPATS. But I still waiting for a PRESS CONFERENCE from her addressing THE LOCALS who voted her in and she is yet to deliver on that.
So much less reaching out to EXPATS!!!
Claude, for the week of Halloween someone sent me a post of a moko jumbe dressed as a walking tree stump. Surrounding ppl did not look like a tt local event so I just shook my head. Steups.