Young pannists delight at Panorama semis...

Big shout-out to Merrytonestothebone...

extreme fun: Frontline players of Merry Tones in action during their performance of “Full Extreme”, arranged by Eric McAllister, at yesterday’s National Panorama semi-finals (Small Band category) at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain. —Photo: STEPHEN DOOBAY

A packed North Stand revelled in the return of a purist steelpan diet at the national Panorama semifinal yesterday at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain.
Energetic live percussion punctuated the shrill of rubber on steel as all eyes remained focused on the savannah stage.
And with the exception of the customary playing of each band’s song of choice during their set-up, there was no DJ music to be heard.
The North Stand never had a chance to sit as a steady stream of 30 small bands all boasting very youthful front lines attacked every selection with great fervour.
Merry Tones, Moods and Highlanders spark fete atmosphere

Merry Tones, led by Eric McAllister, was the first to send the North Stand into an uproar with an enterprising rendition of man of the moment MX Prime’s Ultimate Rejects “Full Extreme”.
McAllister’s young protégés won over the North Stand faithful with their exuberance and even sparked some life in its more reserved cousin as many in the Grand Stand rose to their feet to acknowledge the talented youngsters.

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  • merrytonestothebone: Yuh hanging out with EXPATS who keep bad talking the PRESIDENT of PAN TRINBAGO every day -- and then you expect to get pick in the finals.

    C'MON MAN!!!

  • Love, love Merrytones and Full Extreme all the way!

  • Keep on JAMMING,,,,good work,,BLESSINGS.
  • Dah iz wha we talking' '

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