With most of the old guard of the steelband world in the autumn of their years it is now up to the youth to take the national instrument forward and upward to greener pastures and higher ground. Almost every one of our steel orchestras, inclusive of Trinidad All Stars, Desperadoes, Exodus, Renegades, Invaders and Skiffle, are all blessed with qualified and excellent musicians.
Recently the youth of Exodus were the stars at a graduation exercise held at the Eastern Main Road pan amphitheater of Republic Bank Exodus in St Augustine.
Not to be outdone, CAL Invaders hosted a fund-raiser for one of its members Lemuel Davis and again youth came shining through. Davis, also a student at the UTT, is the recipient of a cultural exchange tour between the UTT and the University of Tennessee Martin, USA.
The show’s first half featured mostly young people, some members of Invaders Steel Orchestra, and students of UTT, under the direction of UTT lecturer Michael “Ming” Low Chew Tung and including Atiya O’Neil, Toni Williams, Zachary De Lima and Davis.
Pan In Good Hands!!!
Andre: Every time I see your name ah does study how YOU and SALMON CUPID invent the GREATEST PAN EVER (THE E-PAN) but somehow both ah allyuh CYAR make no GOOD MUSIC that could go GLOBAL with the E-PAN music. What is the point of having such a TECHNOLOGICAL MARVEL under your PAN STICKS and not being able to produce WORLD CLASS MUSIC WITH IT?
Me and merrytonestothebone had major opposing views on an issue that is at the heart of this stagnation. Don't let PRIDE stop PROGRESS!!!
odw, we ought to big-up the young panist the studied Admin, Finance, Commerce, Business these are the kind of skills that mostly needed at this point to move the steelband forward.