Right now in TRINIDAD, 10,000 PAN PLAYERS are putting their hearts and souls and time and energy and personal safety and love of culture and potential self-improvement and "WHAT HAVE YOU" (a Trinidad expression I never liked and never ever used in my life before tonight) -- into polishing a musical expression on the PAN that could WOW THE WORLD of PAN LOVERS from the PANORAMA STAGE.
And while all of this SLAVERY and EXPLOITATION OF LABOR is going on, KEITH DIAZ and RICHARD FORTEAU are huddled in a room with some high-priced lawyers plotting how to steal the GATE RECEIPTS from the PANORAMA PERFORMANCES. As if they haven't stolen enough already.
So when are all the bleeding heart PAN LOVERS (LOCALS and EXPATS) going to STAND UP and UNITE and GET ORGANIZED and come up with a strategy to TAKE DOWN this GANGSTA PAN TRINBAGO ADMINISTRATION and put some PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP in place that could benefit PAN PLAYERS and PAN MUSIC on the LOCAL and GLOBAL STAGES?
There is no better time than the present. As experienced as they are at this game, they cannot fight battles on multiple fronts very well.