As im reading about this Brooklyn Steel Orchestra (BSO) and seeing the people involved, a few questions come to mind. First, from playing pan in Brooklyn for over two decades i know the players involved. Isnt it conflict of interest for Board Member of United States Steelban Association to be a part of this? Second, most of the bands in brooklyn are stuggling to find a temporary space to practice so why not fundraise to help your band here instead of trying to raise money to go to Trinidad? Third, why does it seems to me that this BSO is only for friends and the cliques they associate with? Finally, i applaud what's trying to be done but its being done at the wrong time and in my opinion for the wrong reasons. As i recalled this was started by friends to enter America's Got Talent. It had not nothing to do with promoting steelpan culture and everything to do with recignition and fame. What exactly is United States Steel Orchestra doing to help the steelbands who are struggling for practice spaces and finances to purchase new instruments etc? Not a damn thing. Until we stop thinking of ourselves being recognized, famous and build a solid steelpan foundation in New York, steelpan culture will continue to spiral downward as it's been doing for years. One last thing, BSO does not represent the best players in Brooklyn or New York period..