Tunapuna Scanty, made History in the USA. This is the first time that a local singer's selection was submitted for entry into the panorama competition. Guess what that song was #1 with Sonatas rendition and #4 with Despers USA. Congratualation and continued good works and success to, "Tunapuna Scanty." Maybe, finally he would be commended for his contributions in the USA for his tireless productions to his culture, in the form of Calypso and Pan. Those of you who don't know his record, should check around all of the pan yards and most of the crack shots in pan, started of being taught by, yes, Scanty.
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Brooklyn, New York
If you like, go ahead and tell your fellow WST Ning members about yourself here
A great lover of the Steelpan and feeling like I am missing a relative, when I can't go to a Panorama for the Carnival season.