Hi There Marvin.
I am a Fellow Panist.I am originally from Belize , I now live in Kutamamoto Japan with my wife Hiromi.There is a small steel orchestra here in Kumamoto,however they were looking for a licence tunner.This information is a bit old .But if you are intrested I can look into it for you.Ok? Sincerely Keron.
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October 3
If you like, go ahead and tell your fellow WST Ning members about yourself here
Hello, I am one of the master tuners in Trinidad.
Contact No#1 868 366 6112
Keron I am so sorry for` answering earlier, but my computer was down. But up and running. I will love to do business in Japan.
HERE IS MY CONTACT NO# - 1 868B366 6112
E MAIL- panzone123@hotmail.com
I am a Fellow Panist.I am originally from Belize , I now live in Kutamamoto Japan with my wife Hiromi.There is a small steel orchestra here in Kumamoto,however they were looking for a licence tunner.This information is a bit old .But if you are intrested I can look into it for you.Ok? Sincerely Keron.