Pan Times's Discussions (7523)

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In praise of pan


Cultural Heritage

Preservation Agents of TT

Pan, the queen, the king, the supreme, was created, originated and manufactured in TT (1930s) and emerges as an innovation of high significance. Pan, a collective title for instruments

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South Carolina musicians explore pan

Newsday - Gary Cardinez

The group of musicians from Coastal University South Carolina, front row are Dr James Robert Pendell, left, Dr Jesse Willis and Guyanese-born Dr Gillian Richards-Greaves. - Gary Cardinez The group of musicians from Coastal University South Carolina, front row are Dr James Robert Pendell, left, Dr Jesse Willis and Guyanese-born Dr Gillian Richards-Greaves. - Gary Cardinez

A group of musicians from Coastal Uni

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67 bands in Junior Panorama

Joan Rampersad - Trinidad Newsday

6962625.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710xPan Trinbago president Beverly Ramsey-Moore and Minister of Education, Anthony Garcia at the formal launch of Junior Panorama held at the VIP Lounge at the Queen's Park Savannah on Friday. - Joan Rampersad

Garcia sai

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