Pan Times's Discussions (7523)

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Terri Lyons is the new Calypso Monarch

Terri Lyons, daughter of Siuperblue, is the new Calypso Monarch

Terri Lyons, daughter of Siuperblue, is the new Calypso Monarch

Terri Lyons is the Calypso Monarch of 2020.

Lyons, daughter of the legendary Austin Lyons aka Superblue, won the prestigious title last night at the Calypso Monarch finals.

Lyons won wi

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'Awesome' pan final


7521698-1024x687.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710x Potential Symphony placed second at Panorama medium band final at Dwight Yorke Stadium last Sunday. - David Reid


This was how Pan Trinbago president Beverly Ramsey-Moore on Monday described Tobago's historic hosting of the N

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A Man Called Jules by Von Martin

by Von Martin from his book “Voices of Pan Pioneers of Trinidad & Tobago”

published with the expressed permission of the author


My first knowledge of the man named “Jules” was when I heard my godmother, Norma Daniel, speak about him with reverence,

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Panorama rocks

The West Demerara Secondary School, performing ‘Is we own,’ dressed in their army attire

Georgetown, Guyana, S.A. - The Mashramani Panorama competition was a huge hit yet again at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH) as the youth and large bands raised the roof on Sunday.

The relatively large CASH space could not contain the mammoth cr

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