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  • Thanks I was able to listen to most of the Panorama! but they stopped the broadcast before the panorama finished!!! what's up with that? it was good quality though, and I appreciate it.
  • Unfortunately, I do not know the names of the two commentators, however, the one should really not be so subjective in his love for one band over another thathe down plays the accomplishments of the other. It is very distasteful. JL-C.
  • look like the pan army has run into problems in the battle zone.

    from a phase 2 fan
  • Going fine for me too
  • sound great sorry no video hope they have a replay
  • working great, so far 4 me. It is better than nothing
  • is 91.1 the best link right now for panorama
  • It keeps dropping out! However better than nothing!
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